• 草津温泉|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!<span data-wovn-ignore>2025年</span>のおすすめ<span data-wovn-ignore>22</span>選
  • 草津温泉|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2025年のおすすめ22

「草津温泉」でおすすめなホテル・旅館22件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「草津温泉」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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kusatsu 464-1051

  • It is a very cost-effective hotel.

  • The hot spring is a perfect choice for guests who are particular about the quality of the spring water, as it is a rich, free-100% natural hot spring. It offers everything you could want, including alcohol and food, so everyone from adults to children can have a great time! It's a very reasonable hotel, so you can feel free to stay there.

    たなかさん's answer (Posted on:2024/2/19)

465-4 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun

  • Buffet with a large public bath and live kitchen

  • This hotel has spacious Japanese-style rooms, so the whole family can spend time together in a spacious atmosphere. Meals are served buffet style with a live kitchen, so children can eat as much as they like of whatever they like, which is great for them. During spring break, when the area is lush with greenery, the view of the open-air bath is wonderful.

    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2024/3/22)


  • A popular hotel with many repeat customers!

  • 冬は雪の世界で綺麗ですし、春になると新緑の大自然が出迎えてくれる四季折々の楽しみ方ができるホテルです。エントランスを入ると樽の木が沢山詰まれていて暖炉があり風情があります。暖かい季節には室内プールまで併設されています。温泉は草津ならではの高原の風を感じながら入れるので、名湯草津温泉の素晴らしさが体感できます。草津温泉の中でも湯量が豊富なので、その恩恵を受けられます。湯質は柔らかく身体がいつまでもポカポカ暖かく気持ち良いです。貸切もあるので、源泉掛け流しの湯をダイレクトに堪能ください。お料理はディナーブッフェになります。地産地消の食材を活かしたお料理が品数豊富にあります。好き嫌いがある方がいてもお腹いっぱいに食べれます。春までの本ズワイガニ食べ放題や、ライブキッチンで焼いてくりステーキは絶品です。山の幸である山菜はシャキシャキ甘く群馬ならではの贅沢があります。朝食は野菜スムージーは女性には大人気です。

    温泉大好き夫婦's answer (Posted on:2024/2/27)

618, Kusatsu-machi Agatsuma-gun Gumma ken

  • If you're planning a graduation trip, we recommend this!

  • Hotel Village has many types of hot springs, and there are plenty of recreational facilities such as a pool, athletics, billiards, bowling, and table tennis within the hotel. There is so much to do that you can't play everything, so it's especially recommended for graduation trips with friends!

    CHACO's answer (Posted on:2024/3/19)

433-1, Agatsuma-gun

  • 春休みはご家族で草津温泉へ!湯畑徒歩圏の老舗旅館「望雲」

  • This inn boasts an abundant amount of 100% natural hot spring. You can enjoy the hot springs at your leisure with your family. Dinner is kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using seasonal ingredients from Gunma. You can also enjoy sightseeing in Kusatsu, such as strolling Yumomi (A technique in which a board approximately 180cm long is placed in the hot spring to stir the water and lower the temperature until it is ready to bathe.) the hot spring town and watching the Yumomi show.

    たけやん's answer (Posted on:2024/2/28)


  • A hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) located directly in front of the tourist attraction "Yubata"

  • 長野原草津口駅より路線バス25分の温泉地にある旅館の「草津温泉 ホテル一井」をおすすめします。観光名所の湯畑が正面にあり、限定ですが部屋からも眺められます。露天風呂も自然に囲まれていて空気が美味しいですし大浴場も過ごしやすいかと思います。湯もみ体験は大人600円で体験できるようで観光利用にもぴったりかと思います。食事は和食のコース料理と会席から選択できます。

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/12/ 1)

70-1, Kusatsu, Kusatsu-machi Agatsuma-gun, Gunma

  • 草津温泉のお湯とサウナを楽しんで食事付きのお宿で温泉デート

  • このホテルならサウナの完備はもちろん、サウナには欠かせない水風呂もありますので温冷交互浴が可能です。草津温泉のお湯とサウナの温冷浴を堪能できます。お食事は夕食には創作懐石料理、朝食には移りゆく庭園の景色の中で和御膳をいただけます。

    なち's answer (Posted on:2023/2/13)

15-8 Kusatsu-cho Agatsumagun

  • Free shuttle service! All-you-can-drink plan available! Full range of services for students

  • This hotel can accommodate 5 people per room and is reasonably priced. There is a free shuttle from the bus terminal to the hotel and from the Yubatake to the hotel, so it is perfect for students who travel by train or bus. The meals include local Gunma delicacies, and you can also eat Joshu beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)(or steak). The all-you-can-drink option is also good value for money, so it is recommended.

    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2024/2/16)

126 Kusatsu Agatsumagun Kusatsucho

  • The Buffet food is very delicious

  • こちらのホテルは広い和室があります。設備が充実していて、ホテルの中でも十分楽しめると思います。バイキング料理も豪華でとてもおいしかったです。湯畑までは少し距離がありますが、ホテルからバスも出ていますので家族で草津温泉を満喫できると思います。

    ままごん's answer (Posted on:2024/3/18)


  • A great location for a large group to enjoy

  • The reason we recommend this inn is that it has rooms that can accommodate large groups, and it is in an excellent location, just a short walk from the Yubatake, the symbol of Kusatsu. The hot spring water is drawn from the Yubatake, so you can enjoy Kusatsu's famous hot springs to your heart's content, and you can choose from kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )or Buffet style meals depending on your budget, so you're sure to be satisfied.

    サカスミ's answer (Posted on:2024/2/20)

479 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun

  • There is a large public bath where you can experience the difference in the hot spring water.

  • It is a three-story wooden hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn). The long, narrow hot spring is divided into two, so you can easily experience the difference between the Nishinokawahara hot spring and the Bandai hot spring. The meal is a kaiseki meal with 11 different dishes. The wild vegetable urui and apple with white sesame sauce, bluefin tuna sashimi, and grilled abalone were all delicious.

    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/5/10)

464-34 Kusatsu

  • 草津温泉で彼女と冬にスキーを楽しんだ後に泊まるおすすめの宿

  • 草津温泉で天下の名湯で東日本一といわれる大きな露天風呂「西の河原露天風呂」まで徒歩5分にある宿です。こちらなら目の前に天狗山スキー場があり草津温泉スキー場も徒歩15分で行けます。また硫黄泉の温泉を大自然の中にある露天風呂や広く開放的な大浴場で楽しめます。そして食事ですが、活きアワビのおどり焼きやロブスターの黄金焼きなどいずれかが付いた和食膳が食べられますよ。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/12/19)


  • This hotel has lovely rooms with carefully selected furniture and materials.

  • The guest rooms at Kin Midori are unified in a modern Japanese style, and each room is a wonderful inn with carefully selected furniture and materials. There are large public baths and open-air baths for men and women, and a private open-air bath in a independent guest cottages building. You can enjoy the "Yubata source" in the large public bath, and the "Bandaiko source" in the open-air bath. Both are free-flowing hot springs. The private open-air baths include a "Wooden bath" and a "Stone bath," and are relaxing open-air baths with a view of the garden. Meals are deliciously prepared by a skilled head chef using locally sourced ingredients. The hideaway-style private rooms are also in an excellent location.

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/9/10)


  • A long-established inn in Kusatsu that has been in business for over 140 years.

  • Naraya is a long-established inn founded in 1877, located right next to the Yubatake. This inn has a Japanese atmosphere, and you can choose between a Japanese-style room in the Shoin style or a modern Japanese-Western Japanese and Western room. The inn has a tasteful indoor bath and an open-air bath, where you can enjoy the free-flowing water from the Shirohata hot spring, the oldest hot spring in Kusatsu. There are also private baths (open-air and indoor), so you can bathe alone. Dinner is kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with local seasonal ingredients. You can dine in your room or in a private dining room, so you can dine without worrying about others watching you.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/4/17)

Kusatsu 39-12

  • Convenient and user-friendly accommodation

  • 草津温泉バスターミナルから歩いてすぐの場所にある温泉旅館です。1階がコンビニなので宿泊中の買い物も便利です。湯畑にも歩いて3分ほどなので観光にも使い勝手が良い宿ですよ。客室は、広々とした和風モダンで開放感もあるので、一人旅でものびのびと過ごせます。

    おるる's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 7)


  • Yukata rental available! A recommended accommodation for exploring Kusatsu

  • There is a rental service for colorful yukata, so you can stroll around the hot spring town in a yukata. The bath is spacious and you can enjoy the Kusatsu hot springs at your leisure. There are also other nice facilities such as a bedrock bath. The food is also delicious, as they are conscious of using local ingredients.

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/8/31)


  • A traditional Japanese Ryokan (Japanese inn) with a traditional Japanese rafter structure

  • Osakaya Ryokan (Japanese inn) is located about 1-2 minutes walk from the Yubatake. It is a Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) built with "segai dashi beams" that has been passed down since the Edo period when it was first established. The hot spring is drawn from the Yubatake source, and in addition to the indoor and outdoor baths, there is also a rustic cave bath. For food, you can enjoy Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine. The inside of the inn is very tasteful and filled with a Japanese atmosphere.

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/2/17)

  • A pension-style hotel with a private bath

  • This is a pension-style hotel with a garden on the premises. The natural hot spring bath is available for private use 24 hours a day, so you can relax. The luxurious rooms are highly recommended for this price range. You can experience Yumomi (A technique in which a board approximately 180cm long is placed in the hot spring to stir the water and lower the temperature until it is ready to bathe.) experience at "Netsu-no-yu," a 13-minute walk from the pension.

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Kusatsu 464-285

  • You can take a relaxing bath in a private bath.

  • Nagataya has three private baths, so I think your wife can take a bath without worrying about others. The bathroom and changing room are spacious, and there is also a washing area, which is nice.

    シレン's answer (Posted on:2019/6/29)

366 Kusatsumachi, Agatsuma-gun

  • 草津温泉で1名から宿泊ができるお宿です。

  • This hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) can accommodate even one person, so it is also recommended for men traveling alone. From your room, you can enjoy the fantastic view of smoke rising from the Yubatake. There is a private bath that you can use for free.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2022/4/18)

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