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"Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Miyoshiya" Reviews & Details

17The people
Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Miyoshiya

Mikata gun Shinonsen cho Yu 1671-3

"Ooedo Onsen Monogatari MiyoshiyaReviews about "

  • A hotel where you can enjoy hot springs and meals

  • The hot spring is a large open-air bath, and you can enjoy the view of the mountains from the window. The most recommended bath is the open-air bath, where you can relax surrounded by nature. You can experience a luxurious bath in a rock bath surrounded by trees. The rooms are Japanese-style rooms and are comfortable, and for dinner, depending on the season, you can enjoy Buffet that uses luxurious ingredients generously, including all-you-can-eat snow crab.
    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/10/14)


  • There are many fun areas within the hot spring facility.

  • There is "Yukai Resort". If you are looking for good value for money, I recommend this place. The buffet has a wide variety of Buffet, including sushi, and there are also plenty of desserts. The open-air bath is large and gives you a sense of openness, as if you are in the middle of nature. Women can choose their favorite yukata.
    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2021/7/25)


  • リーズナブルながら満足のいく宿

  • Yukai Resort Miyoshiya is located a little independent guest cottages from Yumura Onsen town. Located along the mountainside, you can enjoy the therapeutic hot springs to your heart's content in the open-air baths while feeling close to nature. The rooms include relaxing Japanese-style rooms and Japanese-Western Japanese and Western room. The hotel also boasts meals that use plenty of fresh seafood from the Sea of Japan, unique to northern Kinki, and local ingredients from Hyogo Prefecture. Reasonable accommodation prices are also an attraction. The hotel also has a table tennis corner and karaoke.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2021/7/25)




  • An open-air bath where you can enjoy forest bathing

  • Yukai Resort Miyoshiya in Hyogo Prefecture is famous for its open-air forest bath. There is a direct round-trip bus to the hotel, so it is easily accessible. You can feel the negative ions in the bath surrounded by trees. The rooms are spacious Japanese-style rooms, so children can have fun. There is also an outdoor pool in the summer. Meals are served Buffet style, making it a lively place. There is also a table tennis area, games corner, and karaoke, so children will surely enjoy it.
    hahata's answer (Posted on:2020/3/26)



  • 湯村温泉にあるリーズナブルなリゾートホテル

  • 「湯快リゾート 湯村温泉 三好屋」はいかがでしょうか。湯快リゾートでリーズナブルなお値段ながら、追加すれば但馬牛ステーキや黒毛和牛と松茸のすき焼き、金目鯛など豪華なお食事も堪能できます。アルコール飲み放題プランもありますよ。温泉も湯船が広いので、足を伸ばしてゆったりとくつろげます。他にも売店やカラオケルーム、ゲームコーナー、卓球、漫画が読めるなど色んなサービスがあって子供も飽きずに楽しく過ごせます。
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/9/25)


  • 人気の湯快リゾート

  • 湯村温泉では比較的にリーズナブルに宿泊できる「湯快リゾート」です。四季折々の風情が楽しめる露天風呂は、源泉かけ流しで浴槽も広く、至福の時を得られます。大浴場の内湯からも素晴らしい木々の景色がのぞめます。バイキングも種類が豊富で美味しかったです。
    キングコング's answer (Posted on:2017/6/27)


  • The open-air bath gives you the feeling of being at a secret hot spring.

  • For those inland, we recommend Yukai Resort in Yumura Onsen. In addition to the hot springs, you can also enjoy an outdoor pool in the summer. The guest rooms are spacious Japanese-style rooms, and there are also modern Japanese and Western room and Japanese-style rooms with open-air baths. The hot springs are highly recommended by the hotel, and you can experience the feeling of being in a hidden hot spring, the "Forest Open-Air Bath."
    ぽっさむ's answer (Posted on:2016/10/ 2)


  • Popular Hotels in Yumura Onsen

  • This resort hotel is located on the riverside among the mountains in Yumura Onsen, Hyogo Prefecture. There are many tourist spots around the hotel, such as soba noodle making experience, Hachiman Shrine, Shofukuji Temple, Arayu, the source of Yumura Onsen, and Hamasaka Fishing Port. Although it is a popular chain hotel, it has an open-air bath that feels like a hidden hot spring. The food is Buffet that everyone can enjoy, with a wide variety of menu items. The price is also reasonable compared to other accommodations in Yumura Onsen.
    大阪大好きっ子's answer (Posted on:2016/6/10)


  • The open-air forest bath was amazing.

  • I recommend "Yukai Resort Miyoshiya" in Yumura Onsen. This hotel has good facilities and a wide variety of food Buffet, so you will be satisfied. The large bath is covered with tatami mats, so you won't slip. There is an open-air bath in the forest, so you can feel close to nature. At night, you can enjoy a luxurious soak in the hot spring while looking at the starry sky. There are also many other places to enjoy within the hotel, such as a ping pong table and a manga corner, so you will never get bored.
    さむ's answer (Posted on:2016/5/23)


  • 家族連れにはお奨めです

  • 子連れの場合は、気軽に泊まれるこの宿がおすすめです。スタンダードタイプの部屋でも和モダンなおしゃれな雰囲気の和室でした。シンプルで調度品も無かったので子供がいても安心して泊まれました。露天風呂も広く、天気が良ければ星空も堪能できます。露天風呂までは石段を降りていくためワクワク感も味わえますよ。食事はバイキング。お土産コーナーもありました。
    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2015/10/24)


  • It's Buffet, but you can also order crab separately.

  • The hotel is basically a Buffet style, but you can also order a whole snow crab separately. The ingredients served at Buffet are of course in season, and the menu is themed around each season, making it visually appealing. The hot spring is called the "Forest Open-Air Bath," and it feels just like you're bathing in a rock bath in the middle of the forest. As it is an open-air bath, you may be able to enjoy the starry sky and snow view on some days.
    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2012/1/22)



  • 人気のリゾートホテル

  • 日本一と呼ばれる摂氏98℃の源泉を有する湯村温泉を楽しめる宿です。また源泉掛け流し温泉を樹木に囲まれ露天風呂や、最上階にある展望大浴場で楽しめます。レストランでは和食に洋食・中華などがバイキング形式で食べられます。特に種類豊富なソフトドリンクも飲み放題。
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2008/1/21)



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