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"Nozawa Onsen Nozawa Grand Hotel" Reviews & Details

37The people
Nozawa Onsen Nozawa Grand Hotel

8888 Toyosato, Nozawa-Onsenmura, Shimotakai-gun

"Nozawa Onsen Nozawa Grand HotelReviews about "

  • The charm of a private open-air bath in a heavy snow area

  • The hotel is located in Nozawa Onsen, a heavy snowfall area in Nagano. The private open-open-air bath is especially recommended. Because it is on high ground, you may feel like you are being watched, but the view is amazing. There are also baths around the hotel, so it is recommended to take a bath hopping around.
    木木木's answer (Posted on:2016/4/19)


  • There are baths for different tastes and luxurious kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )

  • This inn is located on a hill in Nozawa Onsen Village. The lobby is impressive with its amber light and green trees. There are also separate open-air baths for men and women with Breathtaking view overlooking the hot springs and Nozawa Onsen town. You can enjoy the open-air baths with Breathtaking view views, where you can feel the changing of the seasons, and the large baths with tatami mats for washing. As for food, you can eat kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using Shinshu premium beef and other ingredients. The fried rock trout, which can only be eaten here, is particularly delicious.
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/9/16)


  • This is an inn in Nozawa Onsen with an open-air bath where you can enjoy a beautiful starry sky.

  • This resort hotel is popular for its free-flowing open-air baths and Shinshu local cuisine in Nozawa Onsen. You can also enjoy the hot springs from the open-air observation baths overlooking the hot spring town of Nozawa and the beautiful starry sky, the tatami baths (large observation baths) that are rare in the prefecture and have a spectacular Breathtaking view of the hot spring town and mountains, and the private open-air baths (Hyakuban Kannon married couple Baths) surrounded by greenery. As for meals, you can eat kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using Shinshu premium beef and Shinshu salmon. The specially ordered dishes such as trout and seasonal vegetable tempura, horse sashimi, and Shinshu premium beef stone-grilled are particularly delicious.
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/8/21)


  • 展望露天風呂からは温泉街を見下ろせ、夜は星空を楽しめます

  • 野沢グランドホテルは飯山駅よりバス25分乗車しその後徒歩5分程度にあります。展望露天風呂からは温泉街を見下ろせ、夜は星空を楽しめます。アルカリ単純硫黄泉の泉質は美肌効果があります。食事はふるさと料理を頂け、野沢菜・信州牛・山菜・きのこ等を食できます。
    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/7/25)


  • 温泉と旬の地物を活かした料理が良かった

  • 野沢グランドホテルは2つの源泉の温泉が楽しめます。温泉は景観が良い展望露天風呂や畳風呂、貸切露天風呂で温泉が満喫できます。お食事は美味しい旬の地物を活かせた田舎風ふるさと郷土料理が、見た目がきれいで味付けもしょっぱ過ぎず丁度よくて美味しかったです。
    ゆうてん's answer (Posted on:2021/3/13)


  • ひとり旅プランのある野沢温泉の宿

  • ひとり旅プランのある野沢温泉の宿です。ひとり旅プランのおかげで単身の宿泊客もそこそこいるので浮くような事はないと思います。大浴場や眺めの良い展望露天風呂で心ゆくまで温泉を楽しめます。食事も地産の食材を中心とした様々なメニューを楽しむことが出来ます。
    たすく's answer (Posted on:2021/1/12)


  • 一泊二食付きで一人旅にピッタリの野沢温泉

  • 「野沢グランドホテル」は男一人旅にピッタリの落ち着きのあるホテルです。素泊まりプランだとチェックイン時に予約をすれば、美味しい定食各種や鍋焼きうどんの食事をいただくことができます。別プランでは会席料理となりますが、地元の食材をふんだんに使った「ふるさと会席料理」を楽しめました。お部屋は和洋室で落ち着きのあるインテリアの中でゆっくりと過ごせます。
    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2021/1/ 7)


  • Recommended accommodations with good access in Nozawa Onsen

  • Nozawa Grand Hotel has an open-air bath with a great view and a large, spacious bath. You can enjoy Breathtaking view view and the sense of openness, and I think you will be able to relax both physically and mentally. You can enjoy dishes made with seasonal ingredients, and relax in a room with a great view. It is also easily accessible from Iiyama Station, so please consider staying here.
    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/8/18)


  • 二つの源泉を楽しめる大浴場を持つ宿

  • こちらには2つの源泉があり、館内湯めぐりを楽しむことができます。一つはのどかな光景が広がる展望露天風呂で。もう一つは広い浴槽の内湯で楽しむことができました。また有料ですが広い貸切露天風呂もあり、こちらもおすすめ。お料理はレストランで山菜やきのこなど野沢の味を楽しみました。もちろん本場の野沢菜もしっかりと美味しくいただきました。宿から徒歩数分の場所にスキー場へいくペアリフト乗り場があるので便利ですよ。
    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 7)


  • An open-air bath overlooking Nozawa Onsen town

  • Nozawa Grand Hotel is easily accessible, with a direct bus from Iiyama Station on the Hokuriku Shinkansen line. The hotel has a large public bath with 100% natural hot spring and an open-air bath overlooking the Nozawa Onsen town, where you can enjoy the snowy scenery in winter. Guest rooms are available in Japanese-style, Japanese and Western room, and Western-style, all of which are bright and clean. Some rooms also have an open-air bath. For dinner, we had a traditional kaiseki kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with plenty of locally produced seasonal ingredients, including Shinshu premium beef, trout, wild vegetables, mushrooms, and Nozawana.
    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 7)


  • The open-air bath with a Breathtaking view view is recommended.

  • Nozawa Grand Hotel is located on a hill overlooking the hot spring town of Nozawa Onsen, and is a hot spring inn where you can enjoy 100% natural hot spring 24 hours a day. The most attractive feature is the open-air bath with Breathtaking view overlooking the hot spring town. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most popular open-air bath in Nozawa Onsen. There is also a private open-air bath, making it the perfect inn for a girls' trip with friends.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/7/28)


  • 展望露天風呂から温泉街が一望できる

  • 「野沢グランドホテル」は少し高台に位置していることもあり、展望露天風呂から温泉街が一望できます。この景色は、こちらに宿泊しないと見れません。本当に素晴らしいです。しかも、2つの源泉と3つのお風呂があり、いずれも源泉掛け流しです。野沢温泉で露天風呂を重視されるなら、こちらのお宿です。
    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2020/6/22)


  • 温泉街を眺める展望露天風呂

  • 野沢グランドホテルの温泉は源泉を2本ひいており、かけ流しのお湯を楽しめます。中でも展望露天風呂は温泉街を眼下に見下ろす絶好のロケーションです。天気のいい日には綺麗な星空を観賞できます。食事は地産地消を理念にした美味しい郷土料理がいただけます。
    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/5/ 8)


  • 野沢温泉街を一望できる絶景露天風呂

  • 野沢を代表する「真湯」と「麻釜」の2つの源泉を引いたかけ流しの温泉です。展望露天風呂からは眼下に温泉街を眺められ爽快な気分を体験できます。内風呂は畳がひかれていて温かみを感じました。露天風呂付客室からも絶景を満喫できます。食事は旬の食材を使った「ふるさと料理」をいただけます。
    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/4/19)


  • Relax in a spacious room

  • There are spacious Japanese-style rooms, so families with small children can stay here without worry. The rooms offer views of the natural scenery of Nozawa and the streets of the hot spring town, making them a visual treat. There are also child rates for meals, so you don't have to worry about the cost. Outside of winter, you can use the large private open-air bath, so you can enjoy the hot springs by yourself as a family.
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/2/26)


  • 星空と夜景を眺める露天風呂と野沢の郷土料理

  • 溢れる緑に囲まれて、山里の眺望を欲しいままにできる露天風呂がお二人を待っています。夜は満天の星空と夜景が望め、貸切露天風呂ならば他人の目を気にせず2人だけでのんびりできるでしょう。夕食は野沢の郷土料理を、オリジナルに仕立てた『おごっつおづくし』という美味でめずらしい料理が味わえ、きっと思い出に残る温泉旅になると思います。
    なおちゃん's answer (Posted on:2019/12/19)


  • きれいな星空に出会えます

  • こちらの展望露天風呂は眼下に街と自然美の絶景が広がっており、夜になるときれいな星空に出会えました。いつまでも楽しみたいクセの無い湯で、肌もすべすべになりました。飲泉もあるのでぜひ挑戦してみてください。多少クセはありますが、いかにも体によさそうな味です。お料理は地元のきのこや山菜、川魚などバラエティに富んだ食材を使った会席で美味しくいただきました。もちろん野沢菜も美味です。お部屋はスタンダードでしたが、2間続きで広々していましたし、部屋からも眺望も素晴らしく、ゆったりと寛ぐことができました。
    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2019/12/14)


  • Nozawa Onsen's only open-air observation bath

  • Nozawa Onsen is famous for its outdoor Visiting hot springs, so there are not many inns with open-air baths, but this hotel has an open-air bath with a view. You can soak in the hot springs while looking down on Nozawa Onsen town and the surrounding mountains. There are also rooms with open-air baths, so if your budget allows, you can stay here and enjoy a private bath with just your family. You can also receive a massage service after the bath. This hotel also rents ski equipment, and the access to Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort is not bad, and the connecting lift that connects the hot spring town and the ski resort is a 5-minute walk away. For dinner, you can enjoy a local cuisine kaiseki meal where you can enjoy Shinshu beef, wild vegetables, mushrooms, river fish, Nozawana, and more. Some of the more unusual dishes include fried trout, trout sushi, premium Shinshu beef sushi, carp sushi, and Shinshu salmon sushi, all of which are very delicious. After dinner, it would be fun to go to the large open-air bath with a view again and enjoy the hot springs. The indoor bath is open 24 hours a day.
    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2019/12/12)


  • 長野の味覚が楽しめる宿

  • お風呂は源泉かけ流しの天然温泉です。展望露天風呂からは野沢の町並みを眺望でき、眺めがよくておすすめです。貸切風呂もあり、ご家族での旅行にもおすすめ。お食事には信州産の和牛を使った握りや信州サーモンなど、地元の食材がたくさん、野沢菜などの名物も楽しめました。
    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2019/12/12)



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