Current number of reviews posted8,012 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

"Yuzuya Ryokan" Reviews & Details

1The people
Yuzuya Ryokan

545 Yasakajinja, minamidonari, Gionmachi minamigawa

"Yuzuya RyokanReviews about "

  • You can meet maiko and get a feel for Kyoto.

  • This Ryokan (Japanese inn) was located next to Yasaka Shrine and close to Gion. Because it was close to Gion, I was able to meet maikos while walking outside, which was also an experience that made me feel like I was in Kyoto. As the name Yuzuya Ryokan (Japanese inn) suggests, the yuzu dishes were very delicious and there were many elegant dishes.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


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