Current number of reviews posted6,881 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

"Ginzanso" Reviews & Details

43The people

85 Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa-shi

"GinzansoReviews about "


  • You can enjoy Yamagata Kuroge Wagyu beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)!

  • Ginanso serves dishes made with local Yamagata ingredients, but for an additional fee you can also enjoy Yamagata Kuroge Wagyu beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)and other meals, so we recommend it. It's a high-class hot spring inn, and some of the rooms have a half open-air bath, and you can even lie down Lying-down bath! After the bath, you can relax in the Japanese style by putting on a yukata and lying down on the tatami mats in the room.
    rianko's answer (Posted on:2024/7/17)


  • A hot spring inn in Ginzan Onsen that takes pride in its cuisine

  • If you're looking for a place to stay in Ginzan Onsen that prides itself on its food, we recommend Ginzanso. You can enjoy Yamagata Kuroge Wagyu beef and locally sourced ingredients in a Japanese-style meal in a tatami room. If you like alcohol, they also serve local Yamagata sake, so why not pair it with some Japanese sake? It's close to the Ginzan Onsen bus stop, but they also provide a shuttle from JR Oishida Station.
    マチコ's answer (Posted on:2024/7/17)



  • A popular Ryokan (Japanese inn) with an open-air bath

  • If you're visiting Ginzan Onsen, we recommend Ginzanso, a popular Ryokan (Japanese inn). It's a little independent guest cottages from the hot spring town, but it's quiet and you can relax and enjoy the view of nature. The open-air bath is spacious and open. There is also an open-air bath called the "open-air Lying-down bath" where you can soak while looking up at the night sky. It felt amazing. We were able to enjoy our meals at our leisure in the tatami room. The main dish was roasted Yamagata Kuroge Wagyu beef, which was delicious. Please consider staying here.
    こま's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


  • The food, which makes full use of Yamagata ingredients, is delicious.

  • I went to Ginzan Onsen with my family in the winter, and the snow falling on the retro hot spring town created a fantastic sight. We stayed at Ginzanso, which is a little independent guest cottages from the center of Ginzan Onsen, but it was very good and I would recommend it. The food was mainly Yamagata Kuroge Wagyu beef, and there was a wide variety of dishes. The magnificent natural scenery that could be seen from the room was also great. Of course, the large public bath and open-air bath were spacious and we enjoyed a relaxing soak. It's an inn that makes you want to stay again.
    kyoya's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


  • A bath where you can feel the nature of Ginzan Onsen

  • Ginzan Onsen is famous for its snowy winter scenery, but I also recommend visiting Ginzan Onsen in other seasons. How about staying at Ginzanso? The open-air baths in the middle of nature are magnificent, and you can enjoy completely different atmospheres during the day and at night. I didn't go, but there was also a rock sauna in the building. The food was regional, using local ingredients, and the Japanese Black Beef and sake were absolutely delicious.
    's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


  • A relaxing holiday surrounded by the fresh greenery of spring

  • 山形県尾花沢市にある、古き良き大正ロマンを感じさせる宿です。「銀山荘」では、春は新緑、秋は紅葉、冬は雪景色と、四季折々の自然を眺めながら、露天風呂で心身ともにリラックスできます。ナトリウム塩化物泉の効能で疲労回復やストレス解消にも効果的。お部屋は山の景色を望む落ち着いた空間でした。和の朝食付きの部屋食プランもありました。無料Wi-Fiや無料シャトルサービスあり、快適に滞在できました。
    たけやん's answer (Posted on:2024/6/ 9)


  • The view is also good and I recommend it.

  • Ginzan Onsen has a good old Taisho era romantic feel to it. There is an open-air bath where you can relax and enjoy the seasonal colors of the mountains above the lake, and I recommend it because you can relax in Ginzan Onsen. It is easy to get to, just 30 minutes by car from Obanazawa City on National Route 13.
    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2024/3/20)


  • A relaxing Ryokan (Japanese inn) located near the entrance to the hot spring town.

  • If you are visiting Ginzan Onsen, why not try Senkyo no Yado Ginzanso? It is a relaxing Ryokan (Japanese inn) located near the entrance to the hot spring town. The hot spring water is excellent for relieving stress and fatigue, and there is a large open-air bath where you can fully enjoy the nature of Ginzan, as well as a refreshing open-air Lying-down bath the only one of its kind in Tohoku. For dinner, you can enjoy plenty of local cuisine made with seasonal ingredients such as Yamagata beef.
    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2024/1/14)





  • 銀山温泉を家族で楽しむ

  • 「銀山荘」は爽快な雪景色が楽しめる露天風呂が備わる宿です。お風呂の造りは大きくて立派で、そのため自然と融合しやすくなっていて開放的です。ゆったりと癒しの時間を過ごせました。お部屋は標準和室がお勧めで、モダンだけどレトロな街並みの銀山温泉にマッチする風情のある環境が整っています。料理では黒毛和牛や脂のノリがいいマグロ、山形県産のお米のツヤ姫などが楽しめます。グレードが高くて贅沢な内容で良かったです。
    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2022/5/18)


  • 銀山温泉の露天風呂を楽しめるお宿!

  • 「仙峡の宿 銀山荘」は眺めが良い露天風呂を楽しめるお宿なので、おすすめいたします!銀山川の清流のせせらぎを聴きながら銀山温泉の湯を満喫できます。夕食は山形黒毛和牛のローストがメインの会席料理がおいしいですよ。朝食は地元で取れた旬の食材のお料理が並ぶビュッフェスタイルです。
    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2022/3/23)


  • 大正ロマンの情緒も残しながらも近代的な宿

  • 「銀山荘」は銀山温泉の中では比較的後にできた旅館です。温泉街からはやや離れたところに立地しているが、建物は大正ロマンの風情も残しながらも、高齢者対策のバリアフリーやエレベーターが有る。露天風呂は広いので、ゆったりと湯に浸かれることが出来ます。部屋には半露天風呂付きの客室も有るので、30,000円以下で泊まれる。食事は夕食は和食会席で、朝も和食膳で質量ともに満足するものだ。古勢起屋までは徒歩で5分位なので、天気が良ければ、夕食後にでも温泉街を散歩がてら行くのが良いだろう。インスタ映えする写真も撮れます。古勢起屋の風呂にも無料で入れる。
    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/3/10)


  • 落ち着いた和の空間で、癒やしの時間を過ごす

  • 「仙峡の宿銀山荘」は、和のテイストを残しながらも近代的で機能性のある建物。ゆっくりと癒やしの時間をお過ごしいただける銀山温泉の旅館です。たっぷりの湯量を誇る天然温泉は、大浴場のほか開放的な露天風呂でゆっくりとくつろげます。落ち着いた純和風の客室はとても広く窓からの景色も最高で、子供連れでのご家族でものんびりと過ごせますよ。また、東北の特産物や山形県ならではの食材を活かしたお食事も好評です。
    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 7)


  • 銀山温泉の大自然を感じる旅館

  • 銀山川のせせらぎと、鳥のさえずりが心地よく聞こえる、自然に包まれた露天風呂を楽しむ事が出来ます。開放感のある露天風呂は優しいお湯に浸かって手足を伸ばし、葉ずれの音等、すべてが心地良く感じられます。川に向かって体を伸ばしても、気持ちが良いですよ。お部屋は、半露天風呂で寝湯が付いた客室をお勧めします。一日中銀山温泉を堪能できます。
    一郎ちゃん's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 7)


  • 眺めが楽しめる露天風呂がある宿です!

  • 「仙峡の宿 銀山荘」でしたら、お食事も付いて1泊1人30,000円以下です。客室は半露天風呂で寝湯が付いた和室にご家族で宿泊でき、大自然と大正浪漫漂うノスタルジックな銀山温泉を満喫できます。館内の温泉は大浴場や雄大な自然に包まれた露天風呂もあり、抜群な景色を楽しめます。ご夕食には山形黒毛和牛や脂の乗ったとろけるマグロ等の季節を感じる美味しいお料理が召し上がれます。銀山温泉の家族旅行が満喫できますよ!
    ゆうてん's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 5)


  • 銀山温泉でおすすめの露天風呂

  • 温泉街からは離れていますが、銀山温泉で露天風呂を楽しむならこちらがお薦めです。高い場所にあり、露天風呂からの開放感や眺めの良さは素晴らしいです。泉質も癖がなく、長い時間入っていても全く飽きません。食事も美味しくて1人30,000円以下で宿泊できます。
    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 4)


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