"Fujiya Inn" Reviews & Details
"Fujiya InnReviews about "
Answered question: I want to stay at Ginzan Onsen, the setting for the TV drama "Oshin"
中里's answer (Posted on:2024/12/ 2)
Answered question: I want to stay at Ginzan Onsen, the setting for the TV drama "Oshin"
星's answer (Posted on:2024/12/ 1)
Answered question: I want to stay at Ginzan Onsen, the setting for the TV drama "Oshin"
井口's answer (Posted on:2024/12/ 1)
Enjoy a meal while looking out at the charming hot spring town from your room
- If you're in Ginzan Onsen, how about staying at Ryokan (Japanese inn) Fujiya? Although it's a long-established inn, it has been renovated to become a stylish, comfortable designer Ryokan (Japanese inn). The hot spring has five baths with different themes that can all be rented out for private use. For meals, you can enjoy Japanese kaiseki cuisine made with carefully prepared mountain and sea delicacies from Yamagata and Tohoku. The rooms face the Ginzan River, so you can enjoy a leisurely meal while looking out over the charming hot spring town.
Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2022/11/11)
A modern Japanese inn designed by Kengo Kuma
- We recommend "Fujiya," where all rooms face the Ginzan River. The stylish exterior and interior with an art motif are also soothing. There are eight rooms with a high level of privacy, allowing you to relax without worrying about your surroundings. From your room, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the river and the hot spring town. The five private baths can be used 24 hours a day, and you will rarely overlap with other guests, making it very comfortable.
Answered question: I want to enjoy the open-air bath with a great view at Ginzan Onsen during my spring break family trip!
エイム's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 4)
There are few rooms so it's quiet
- We recommend Ryokan (Japanese inn) "Fujiya," which has a fantastic atmosphere. The famous architect Kengo Kuma was in charge of renovating the hotel. The architectural beauty seen from the outside and the warmth of the wood that envelopes you when you step inside make it worth staying at least once. There are eight guest rooms in total. All baths are private, so you can enjoy a high level of privacy and a comfortable distance from other guests, which is also suitable for today's times. This is a recommended inn where you can enjoy a relaxing hot spring bath 24 hours a day.
Answered question: Ginzan Onsen I want to stay at a hot spring inn after skiing! Can you recommend an inn with a nice open-air bath?
エイム's answer (Posted on:2021/1/ 1)
おすすめは、ステンドグラスの入り口から竹細工の繊細な吹き抜け仕様に圧倒される「銀山温泉 旅館藤屋」です。和モダンでノスタルジックな館内には非日常の心地良さを感じます。5つある貸切風呂は24時間いつでも入れて贅沢です。他のお客との接触も少ない、心地良い距離感とプライベート性を家族だけでゆったりと満喫出来きます。
エイム's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 4)
どんどん's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 3)
「銀山温泉 旅館藤屋」はいかがでしょうか。全客室が銀山川に面しており、温泉街の街並みをお部屋から見ることができます。食事は、贅沢な部屋食で旬の食材を使用しての料理が食べられます。温泉は含食塩硫化水素泉でそれらを5つの趣きのことなるお風呂で楽しめますよ。
うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 3)
一郎ちゃん's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 2)
江戸時代創業の老舗旅館「旅館 藤屋」がいいと思います。リニューアルされて、竹や和紙などの素材を使い、館内は高洗練された雰囲気が漂います。全8室の客室は銀山川に面しており、温泉街の街並みを望めます。温泉は、趣きの異なる5種類の貸切風呂を24時間楽しむことができます。お部屋食プランも用意されています。
Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 1)
ササラ's answer (Posted on:2020/9/30)
RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/9/29)
Delicious food with simple flavors
- This is an inn with delicious food, where you can enjoy elegant and simple dishes using river fish, vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, etc. There is also sashimi and One person hotpots, which use a lot of seafood from Tohoku, and we enjoyed the extraordinary flavors. hot spring are divided into five different private baths, each with its own unique atmosphere, and you can enjoy a private space. You can enjoy the type of bath you like, whenever you like, as many times as you like. All of the guest rooms face the silver mine side, and offer a panoramic view of hot spring town.
Answered question: I'm going on a trip to Ginzan Onsen with friends. Where can I find a hot spring inn where we can enjoy delicious food?
ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2019/10/22)
A stylish Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) with five private baths
- If you are looking for a hot spring inn in Ginzan Onsen that is recommended for couples, I recommend "Ryokan (Japanese inn) Ryokan." The interior of the building is a very beautiful and stylish space designed with stained glass, bamboo, and washi paper, and I'm sure it will look great on instagrammable. You can also enjoy five different private baths. The guest rooms are also comfortable and have a Japanese atmosphere.
Answered question: [Open-air snow viewing] What hot spring inn is recommended for couples in Ginzan Onsen?
Rainbow 4169's answer (Posted on:2019/8/10)