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"Nozawa Onsen Hotel" Reviews & Details

66The people
Nozawa Onsen Hotel

7923-3 Toyosato, Nozawa Onsen-mura, Shimotakai-gun

"Nozawa Onsen HotelReviews about "

  • A modern, lovely Japanese and Western room room and a vast natural view

  • The newly renovated modern Japanese-Western Japanese and Western room at this inn are very stylish. The hot springs are available in a large public bath with 100% natural hot spring and private baths, so you can enjoy the hot springs without worrying about your surroundings. Also, in the warm seasons, the vast natural greenery of the slopes is beautiful, so if you take a photo with that as a background, it's sure to look great on Instagram.
    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2024/7/22)


  • Perfect hotel for families

  • How about this inn that has a natural hot spring that flows directly from the source, a free private open-air bath, and rooms with their own open-air hot spring baths? You and your family can enjoy bathing as much as you like, whenever you like, and you can relieve your daily fatigue. You can also visit the outdoor Visiting hot springs in Nozawa Onsen and use 13 public baths for free. Meals are Japanese kaiseki cuisine, and you can enjoy plenty of local Nozawa produce. There is free parking, there is a child's rate, and depending on the day, you can stay in a room with an open-air bath for around 20,000 yen, so I think it's a good hotel.
    シャンちゃん's answer (Posted on:2024/7/ 9)


  • There is a luxurious open-air family bath with 100% natural hot spring

  • There is a private open-air bath with 100% natural hot spring, so even families with children can enjoy the hot springs without worry. However, it is limited to the first 8 groups for 45 minutes, so we recommend applying when you check in. The open-air bath in the large communal bath has a rustic atmosphere, so it is also recommended. The food made use of local seasonal ingredients, and we also enjoyed the homemade Nozawana, a Nozawa specialty. We stayed in a standard Japanese-style room in the main building, which was neat and well-cleaned, so we were able to relax and unwind.
    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2023/11/17)


  • A comfortable place to stay even with children.

  • Nozawa Onsen is mainly soto-yu (public bathhouses), but this hotel has an open-air bath and a private hot spring. The water flows directly from the source, so you can relax with just your family. The dinner menu changes every day. You can enjoy Shinshu premium beef.
    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2023/6/ 7)


  • This is an inn where you can choose the color of your yukata.

  • This inn is located in the center of Nozawa Onsen. There is an open-air bath with carefully planted plants inside the building. The rooms are mainly Japanese-style rooms with a washroom and a large toilet. If you open the shoji screen from the veranda, you can see people coming and going in the hot spring town. You can choose the color of your yukata.
    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2022/12/ 9)



  • カラフルな色浴衣が借りられます。

  • 旅の思い出に色浴衣を借りて温泉街を散策してみませんか。巾着などの和装小物も揃っていますよ。一般的な客室は8畳の和室で4畳ほどの広縁が付いています。眼下に温泉街を散策する人々の流れを見ることが出来ますよ。
    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2022/11/29)


  • Hotels that own hot springs

  • There are three open-air baths with natural hot spring water from which you can enjoy snow views. I stayed in a 10-tatami Japanese-style room, which was spacious and relaxing. It also had a sink and toilet, which was convenient. From the rooms on the second floor or higher, you can see the flow of people passing by in the hot spring town. There are also rooms with open-air baths.
    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2022/11/ 7)


  • 家族でゆっくりと入れる露天風呂がある

  • 温泉で自家源泉のあるホテルです。貸し切り露天風呂があり、1日8組限定です。源泉掛け流しで、時間は45分です。湯舟はかなり広いので、ご家族全員が入っても余裕です。お料理は地元の山菜料理がメインになっています。
    とりむ's answer (Posted on:2022/10/27)


  • 大正時代創業の湯治場の面影を残す源泉掛け流し100%の温泉宿

  • 自家源泉を持っているので、寝湯付の大浴場と一つの貸切風呂を含めた3つの露天風呂も男女入替え作業の時を除いて24時間入浴出来る。体力さえ有れば思い残すことなく温泉三昧出来る。スキーから戻ったら、玄関前の足湯で疲れた脚を癒し、飲める源泉で中からも癒やすと良いだろう。食事は朝夕食とも和食の御膳だ。朝の地元コシヒカリ米が美味い。おかずになる惣菜の数々で箸が止まらない。
    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/6/29)


  • It's very affordable even with one night stay and two meals included!

  • There are three open-air baths in the large communal bath with a reclining Lying-down bath. Since they have their own hot spring source, you can use the free-flowing water 24 hours a day, except for cleaning from 10:00 to 14:00 and when the men's and women's baths are switched. There seem to be more families and men's guests than women. Dinner is a Japanese meal that seems to be an arrangement of local cuisine, and breakfast is also mainly Japanese, with delicious local Koshihikari rice.
    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/6/29)


  • A hotel in Nozawa Onsen where you can enjoy a stargazing bath

  • This inn has an open-air bath in the large communal bath, where you can enjoy starry skies on clear days. In winter, you can enjoy a scenic bath to view the snow. We also recommend the dinner, which features local delicacies such as Shinshu premium beef, horse sashimi, and Nozawana, a specialty of Nozawa Onsen.
    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2022/4/23)


  • A hotel in Nozawa Onsen where you can choose your favorite color yukata

  • This is an inn in Nozawa Onsen with its own abundant hot spring water. There are no special plans here, but women can choose their favorite color yukata. There is also a private open-air bath called "Akata no Yu" where couples can enjoy 100% natural hot spring water for free. As for food, you can eat kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using local seasonal ingredients such as Shinshu premium beef. The Nozawana pickles you eat here are especially delicious.
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/12/ 8)


  • 野沢温泉でスキーを満喫した後に源泉かけ流しの温泉に入れる宿

  • 野沢温泉で豊富な湯量で源泉100%かけ流し温泉がある宿です。こちらにはスキー旅行に最適なスキーセット・スノーボードセットなどの乾燥室(スキーロッカー)・更衣室・レンタルなどの設備があります。また温泉を季節や時間により瑠璃色から乳白色へと湯の色が変化する露天風呂「瑠璃の湯」や香りと心地よい肌触りの檜の露天風呂「檜の湯」・貸切露天風呂「赤田の湯」・寝湯も備えた大浴場で楽しめます。そして食事ですが、信州プレミアム牛肉など地元の旬の食材を使った会席料理が食べられますよ。
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/11/18)


  • 美肌効果がある源泉かけ流しのお湯ですので女子旅に最適

  • 野沢温泉ホテルは如何でしょうか。美肌効果がある源泉かけ流しのお湯ですので女子旅に最適です。檜の露天風呂は夜、幻想的でインスタ映えします。食事は地元食材を使った料理を頂け、信州牛・野沢菜・馬刺しも食できます。場所は上信越道豊田飯山I.Cから25分程度にあります。
    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/8/22)



  • A hotel in Nozawa Onsen convenient for winter skiing

  • This inn is convenient for skiing, as it is a 5-minute walk from the "Yu Road" (moving walkway) directly connected to the Hikage slope. This inn has its own hot spring source, and all of the baths have 100% natural hot spring water that can be enjoyed in the open-air baths, large baths, and foot baths. The meal was kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using local seasonal ingredients. The specially ordered stone-grilled Shinshu premium beef and the melt-in-your-mouth "horse sashimi" were excellent.
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/8/10)


  • 野沢温泉で露天風呂がありのんびりできる宿です

  • 野沢温泉スキー場に続く「遊ロード」まで徒歩5分にある宿です。また天然温泉を野沢の温泉街を見下ろす絶景の男女別の展望露天風呂や県内でもめずらしい畳風呂の展望大浴場・緑に包まれた貸切露天風呂で楽しめます。そして食事ですが、信州牛や郷土料理「芋なます」など地元の旬の食材を使った会席料理が食べられます。特にここでしか食べられない岩魚のフライは絶品ですよ。
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/8/ 4)


  • 源泉かけ流しで自然を眺められる露天風呂

  • 「野沢温泉ホテル」は如何でしょうか。場所は東京方面からだと、JR北陸新幹線の飯山駅から野沢温泉行き直通バスで25分にあります。お風呂は源泉かけ流し乳白色で自然を眺められる露天風呂はゆっくりできます。アルカリ単純硫黄泉はリウマチ・神経病への効能があります。食事は地元の食材を使った料理を頂け、野沢菜は当然の事信州プレミア牛も食できます。
    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/7/25)


  • 源泉かけ流しで程よい広さの露天風呂

  • 野沢温泉ホテルは、上信越道豊田飯山I.Cから25分程度の場所にあります。お風呂は源泉かけ流しで程よい広さの露天風呂は乳白色でゆったりできます。アルカリ単純硫黄泉は美肌効果がございます。食事は野沢ならではの旬の食材を頂け、野沢菜は当然の事信州牛も食できます。
    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/7/11)


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