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"Wakatake no Syou Bettei Sasane" Reviews & Details

33The people
Wakatake no Syou Bettei Sasane

136 Fujihara, Nikkou-shi

"Wakatake no Syou Bettei SasaneReviews about "

  • A great place to enjoy the autumn leaves while soaking in Kinugawa Onsen

  • Located along the Kinugawa River, this hotel is perfect for enjoying the autumn leaves. All rooms have a semi-open-air bath. You can spend a luxurious time enjoying the autumn scenery from there while soaking in the flowing water of Kinugawa Onsen. Of course, even from the open-air bath in the large communal bath, the natural scenery, mainly of the mountains, spreads out before you, which is very soothing. For meals, they serve multi-course kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with seasonal ingredients. And in the evening, you can enjoy the bar lounge with an adult atmosphere, making this an inn where you can immerse yourself in a luxurious atmosphere. The nearest station, Ryuokyo Station, is 30 minutes from Kinugawa Koen Station, and a shuttle bus is available from the station.
    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2023/10/23)


  • There is a plan for a "Solo trip to Kinugawa without being disturbed by anyone"!

  • Spend your time in a room with a half open-air bath with free-flowing water. You can soak in the hot water while elegantly gazing at the valley from the terrace, and, on clear nights, the starry sky. Both dinner and breakfast can be eaten in the semi-private kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ). Dinner is a kaiseki meal made with carefully selected ingredients professionally prepared, and breakfast is a creative Japanese meal that features an arrangement of local cuisine. You can see the Kinugawa River below the inn's open-air bath and large communal bath. There is also a half open-air private bath available for a fee, but since there is an open-air bath in the room, you probably won't use it. In addition to the bar and karaoke, you can receive a full-body massage at the permanent beauty salon. You can spend a relaxing time without having to worry about anyone.
    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/12/26)


  • There are plans for solo travelers and an option for in-room dining!

  • The kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using seasonal ingredients, and if you wish to dine in your room, you can, but if this is not possible, you will be served in a private dining area. Breakfast is Japanese cuisine. There is also a salon that offers aromatherapy lymph treatments, which are rare in hot spring inns. Overall, it is a relaxing inn with a Japanese style.
    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2022/12/21)


  • 部屋から見える紅葉が素敵

  • 紅葉を見るのでしたら、こちらのお宿をおすすめします。鬼怒川沿いに建つこちらのお宿は全客室半露天風呂付きですので、温泉に浸かりながら紅葉を見ることが出来ます。丁度見下ろす感じで鬼怒川の紅葉が見えて本当に素敵です。
    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2022/12/ 7)


  • A relaxing luxury inn in Kinugawa Onsen

  • This inn is located in Kinugawa Onsen in Nikko City, about an hour from Utsunomiya. It is a high-class inn with a charming atmosphere. The interior, corridors, and rooms are all Japanese-style and quiet, soothing to the soul. The baths are indoors and outdoors, allowing you to enjoy the famous hot springs of Kinugawa. For meals, you can enjoy a beautiful kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ), such as spiny lobster and wagyu steak, are both delicious and colorful.
    だんごっ鼻's answer (Posted on:2022/3/25)


  • 宇都宮の近くで温泉を楽しむなら

  • 「若竹の庄 別邸笹音」は、宇都宮駅から車で1時間ほどで行ける鬼怒川温泉のお宿です。温泉は全てのお部屋に加水ありの源泉かけ流し半露天風呂と大浴場、露天風呂があり、鬼怒川温泉を心ゆくまで堪能できます。お食事は、半個室のお食事処で夕食は会席料理を味わえます。
    モッティ's answer (Posted on:2022/3/25)


  • This inn has rooms with open-air baths where you can relax in a yukata.

  • This inn in Kinugawa Onsen has great views of the clear waters of the Kinugawa River, with all rooms overlooking the river. All rooms here have an open-air bath, allowing you to relax at your leisure. You can also enjoy the bubbling, weakly alkaline simple spring water in the open-air bath and indoor bath along the Kinugawa River, outside of your guest room. There is also an aromatherapy lymph treatment room, which is perfect for women, and various types of beauty treatments are available. As for food, you can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with ingredients selected from all over the country. The specially ordered Nikko Yuba Sashimi is particularly delicious.
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/11/20)


  • All rooms have a semi-open-air bath.

  • All rooms at Bettei Sasane come with a semi-open-air bath. There is no sauna, but you can relax and enjoy your time together. The hotel is located about a 5-minute walk from Kinugawa Koen Station. The water is an alkaline simple spring, which is effective against joint pain and neuralgia. Meals are kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ), which you can enjoy not only for its taste but also for its appearance.
    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/9/ 2)


  • A reasonable Ryokan (Japanese inn) you can experience something out of the ordinary

  • This hotel is not large, so it is popular for the way it treats each group of guests with great care. The smiles of the staff are memorable from the time they greet you until they see you off. The open-air bath, which is a special experience that is not particularly expensive, and the private baths where you can enjoy beautiful views of nature are luxuries that can only be found here. Although the inn does not have the sauna facilities you requested, this is a recommended Ryokan (Japanese inn) that offers an extraordinary experience in many ways. Please enjoy the luxury that lives up to the name of the villa.
    hahata's answer (Posted on:2021/9/ 1)


  • The view of the Kinugawa Valley from the terrace of your room is the best.

  • How about "Bettei Sasane"? All rooms are designed to overlook the Kinugawa Valley. In addition, all rooms have a semi-open-air bath that is full of atmosphere. After taking a bath, you can sit on a chair on the terrace of your room and take a rest. This quiet Ryokan (Japanese inn) with only 16 rooms is popular with many repeat customers, and the quality of the staff and service, including hospitality, are excellent.
    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2021/4/17)


  • 鬼怒川温泉で昔ながらの落ち着いた宿です

  • 鬼怒川温泉で全室鬼怒川の清流を見下ろす眺望の昔ながらの落ち着いた宿です。また全室鬼怒川沿いに檜や陶器などの半露天風呂や広々とした湯舟の露天風呂・内風呂・貸切風呂で楽しめます。そして食事ですが、全国各地より選りすぐった食材を会席料理で食べられます。特に別注料理のとちぎ霜降高原牛サーロインステーキや日光ゆば刺しは絶品ですよ。
    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/3/28)


  • A relaxed atmosphere befitting a high-class Ryokan (Japanese inn)

  • この宿の館内や客室は、清潔感溢れる和を基調としたデザインになっています。高級旅館に相応しい、落ち着いた雰囲気を味わうことができるでしょう。また、温泉にも力を入れている旅館であり、全室半露天風呂付きは勿論、大浴場や貸切風呂も備えています。さらに、見晴らしの良い客室そのものも様々なタイプが用意され、ご夫婦や一人旅にも使えるコンパクトな部屋もあるのが嬉しいところです。
    Natural Science's answer (Posted on:2020/12/26)


  • 紅葉シーズンにピッタリな鬼怒川渓流沿いの別邸笹音

  • こちらは豊かな緑に囲まれた温泉宿で、紅葉シーズンにはインスタ映えしそうな場所にあります。鬼怒川沿いを上ると龍王峡があり、徒歩10分くらいです。客室は全16室で、すべての部屋に源泉かけ流しの半露天風呂が付いていて、部屋から鬼怒川の渓流を眺めながら温泉を楽しめます。夕食は全国から選りすぐりの旬の食材を使った会席料理を味わえます。
    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/10/17)


  • The rooms come with semi-open-air baths with 100% natural hot spring, so even kindergarteners can enjoy the hot springs.

  • ここは、鬼怒川公園駅から歩いて5分の、鬼怒川渓谷沿いたたずむ大人の宿です。客室は全16室で、すべての部屋に源泉かけ流しの半露天風呂が付いていますので、貸切風呂のように周りを気にせずに温泉を楽しむことができます。幼稚園児の子どもも温泉を楽しめるはずです。部屋からは鬼怒川の渓流を眺めることができます。夕食は地元の旬の食材を使った会席料理を味わえます。
    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/10/12)


  • All rooms have a semi-open-air bath and an aromatherapy salon

  • This is a Kinugawa Onsen inn where all rooms have a semi-open-air bath. They also offer beauty treatment services where you can receive aromatherapy treatments. You can enjoy a relaxing bath in the hot spring in your room while looking out at the surface of the Kinugawa River, and then spend an elegant time at a beauty salon.
    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 6)


  • 鬼怒川渓谷沿いたたずむ大人の宿

  • 昔ながらの落ち着いた感じの宿ならここがおすすめです。鬼怒川公園駅から歩いて5分の、鬼怒川渓谷沿いたたずむ大人の宿です。客室は全16室で、すべての部屋に源泉かけ流しの半露天風呂が付いていて、部屋から鬼怒川の渓流を眺めながら温泉を楽しめます。夕食は地元の旬の食材を使った会席料理を味わえます。
    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/9/23)


  • You can enjoy a semi-open-air bath with 100% natural hot spring in every guest room.

  • You can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with seasonal local ingredients, and a semi-open-air bath with 100% natural hot spring in every room. You can enjoy the view from the stylish deck terrace of each room, or cool off with partner after a bath, which will be a great memory. There are private baths, a counter bar in the lobby lounge, and a shop, so you can enjoy a lot.
    neo's answer (Posted on:2020/9/15)




  • リッチに静かに過ごしたい大人のための高級宿

  • こちらは、鬼怒川を眺めることができる素晴らしい立地にあり、客室が全て半露天風呂付の客室になっています。リッチに静かに過ごしたい大人のための高級宿で、贅沢な時間と空間が保証されています。温泉は源泉かけ流しです。
    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2020/5/30)


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