• 有馬温泉|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!
  • 有馬温泉|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!

「有馬温泉」でおすすめなホテル・旅館の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「有馬温泉」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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4509-87, Arinochokarato

  • 自家源泉の温泉と広い和洋室

  • 有馬温泉でお考えなら、「ゆうわ」がいいと思います。自家源泉の天然温泉があり、内湯やサウナを含む8つの風呂があります。お部屋は洋室より比較的広く使える和洋室がおすすめです。ツインのベッドと和室で広々、ゆったりくつろげます。食事は神戸牛をつかったしゃぶしゃぶやすき焼きなどのプランが喜ばれると思います。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 6)

353-1 Arimacho, Kita-ku

858 Arima, Kita-ku

  • An inn in the center of Arima's hot spring town

  • Goshobo is located in the center of Arima Onsen hot spring town, close to Kobe Electric Railway Arima Onsen Station, making it a convenient hot spring for walking around town and sightseeing. The inn is also close to the Arima Toy Museum and the day-trip hot hot spring Kin no Yu, and there are many restaurants for sightseeing in the surrounding area, making it perfect for eating out. If you want to eat out, there are also reasonable accommodation plans with only Accommodation only and breakfast, so feel free to enjoy your trip to Hyogo with a girls' night out.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 2)
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