• 京都府|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ67選
  • 京都府|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2024年のおすすめ67選

「京都府」でおすすめなホテル・旅館67件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「京都府」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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326 Benzaiten-cho, Shimogyo-ku

  • Affordable price and good service

  • This Ryokan (Japanese inn) is a 5-minute walk from Gojo Station, and the courtyard is carefully maintained, so it is recommended as a place where you can spend time in the good old Kyoto style. The rooms are spacious Japanese-style rooms, and there is also a private bath, so it is recommended for spending the whole day relaxing in the inn.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/16)

17 Nishikujo-Inmachi Minami-ku

  • 京都駅至近のハイクラス宿

  • 京都の中でもハイクラスなホテル。広くておしゃれな内装の客室で、高級感があります。京都駅から徒歩約2分でアクセスもいいですよ。ネット完備でSNSへのアップも安心です。快適なホテルライフを過ごせます。

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2017/12/ 5)

54-4 Nakao Shitamachi, Nishikyo-ku

  • A long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) with Breathtaking view view

  • This is a long-established inn with a lovely Japanese atmosphere. It is located near Togetsukyo Bridge. You can see the autumn leaves covering the entire Arashiyama area from the rooms with open-air bath hot spring. You can relax in the bathtub with friend and chat. For dinner, kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )featuring Kyoto vegetables and many side dishes. The beautiful colors and presentation are a feast for the eyes and a delight for the tongue. The food is mild and delicious, and the breakfast is also health-conscious. We recommend this inn for its excellent hospitality, autumn leaves, and hot spring.

    's answer (Posted on:2023/10/14)


monjyu 310

387, Mukadeyacho, Nakagyo-ku

  • 京都の伝統や文化を体験できるホテル

  • 「ホテルインターゲート京都 四条新町」は大浴場と京都の伝統・文化の体験ができるお勧めのホテルです。ホテルの場所も四条駅から徒歩5分と駅から近くてアクセスが便利。体験では、日によって舞妓さんと交流や演舞の鑑賞ができます。また伝統文化の手づくりキットもあるので、いつでも気軽にクラフト体験もできます。外国のご友人もきっと楽しめるホテルだと思います。

    rianko's answer (Posted on:2024/7/17)

66-2 Syukuyacyou, Kyoutoshi Shimogyoku

Monju 471

34 Nanzenji Fukuji-cho Sakyo-ku

  • This is an inn located in a beautiful landscape.

  • How about this one on the approach to Nanzenji Temple? It is a wonderful inn with a Japanese atmosphere built in a beautiful garden. Rooms with open-air bath are calm and quiet. You can be healed to your heart's content by the view from the guest room and open-air bath. Meals are Kyoto cuisine that the chef prepares one dish at a time with all his heart. It is a feast to enjoy with the eyes and savor with the tongue. The dishes and presentation are beautiful, and you will feel the wonderfulness of Japan again. The next day, it is close to the station, easy to sightseeing, and I think it is good to experience various things in Kyoto.

    's answer (Posted on:2024/1/25)

538-1 Nakano cho, Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku

  • A hotel with hot springs and a good location in Kyoto city

  • 8,000円以内と素泊まりということなので、こちらのホテルがオススメです。京都市に位置しホテルの立地が良く、駅の近くで京都の各観光地へのアクセスが便利です。部屋も清潔感があってアメニティも十分揃っています。天然温泉もあるので旅行の疲れを取ってくれます。8,000円以内だとビジネスホテルクラスになるかと思います。

    きょうffrv54's answer (Posted on:2016/8/10)

604 Manjuya-cho Sanjo-Sagaru, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku

  • A hotel with easy access to downtown Kyoto near Karasuma Station

  • It is conveniently located in Karasuma Sanjo in the center of Kyoto, just a 2-minute walk from Karasuma Oike Station. The British-style interior ignores the traditional Kyoto atmosphere, but Hotel Monterey Kyoto is a calm and elegant hotel. Another attractive feature is that the accommodation fee is reasonable for a high-class hotel. There is also a natural hot spring spa on the top floor. There is a plan that allows you to view the Gozan no Okuribi fires from the top floor.

    りんごの花's answer (Posted on:2016/3/19)

406 Nanba-Cho, Matsubara-Sagaru, Kawaramachi-Dori, Shimogyo-Ku

  • A cheap accommodation in the center of Kyoto that is also recommended as a base for sightseeing

  • If you are looking for a hotel near Sanjusangendo Temple in Kyoto, how about Hotel Sunroute Kyoto? It is within walking distance of Kawaramachi Station and Kiyomizu-Gojo Station, and is also close to Sanjusangendo Temple in Kyoto. The rooms are modern Western-style and the room rates are reasonable. I think you will be able to relax there.

    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2017/9/ 8)

964 Higashi-kawaramachi, Higashi-oji Nanajo-sagaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi

  • Shukubo located near Sanjusangendo Temple

  • This is Shukubo lodging, so it's cheap but safe to stay at. It's in a great location right next to Sanjusangendo Temple, and there are many sights to see in the surrounding area. Although it's Shukubo, it has the facilities of a Ryokan (Japanese inn). Since there are five of us, I think we'll have a 10-tatami Japanese-style room. The bathroom is also very clean. It's a lodging without meals, but since it's a rare opportunity, why not try the delicious breakfast at Shukubo lodging? It's a very clean place, so I'd recommend it for groups of women.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/5/ 6)

20-4, Sujaku Donokuchicho, Shimogyo Ku

  • ホテルの1~2階の商業施設で文化体験ができる

  • JR京都駅の1つとなりの駅、「梅小路京都西」駅より徒歩2分の好立地にあるホテルです。大浴場とサウナの設備もあり、ホテルの1階と2階は商業施設となっていてます。商業施設では、茶堂の体験やいけばな教室、レンタル着物で着付けサービスなど伝統文化の体験ができます。京菓子や和食など飲食店もあってとても充実しています。また夏はホテルの屋上展望デッキから「京都五山送り火」の観覧ができる特別なプランもありますよ。

    katto's answer (Posted on:2024/7/17)

644-2 Sanjusangendo Mawari, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi

  • エントランスの青々とした竹林が目を引く!

  • もともとあった京都パークホテルを改装したホテルで外観も内装もインスタ映えするスポットが多くあります。レストランやロビーの雰囲気、夜の外観は特にオススメです。

    ジョージ's answer (Posted on:2018/1/28)

58 Iwamoto, Tai, Miyazu-shi

5-4, Arashiyamanishiichikawa-cho

  • アクセスがよく畳敷きの安らぎ天然温泉お宿

  • まず、アクセスが良いので観光に非常に便利だと思います。ちなみにホテルでも着物散策送迎代無料プランもございます。天然温泉は内湯、露天風呂の他、樽風呂、サウナ、岩盤浴とございましてなんといっても5つの温泉貸切風呂が無料でいつでも利用できますのでお友達と気兼ねなくご入浴いただけます。お部屋も畳敷きのお部屋となっておりますので靴を脱いで安らぎながら日本文化をご体験いただけると思います。湯上がりアイスキャンディー等無料サービスも充実しています。

    シャンちゃん's answer (Posted on:2024/1/25)

Amano Hashidate, Monju, Miyazu-shi

579-16, Higashishiokojicho, Kyoto Shi Shimogyo Ku, Kyoto, Japan

  • The hotel is conveniently located just a 1-minute walk from the main exit of JR Kyoto Station.

  • Kyoto is full of things to see, and there are tourist attractions everywhere. If you are planning a trip to visit shrines and temples, Kyoto Station is very convenient. Also, if you are looking for a cheap place to stay, Hotel Hokke Club Kyoto is the best choice. It is about a 1-minute walk from Kyoto Station, and there are izakayas and coffee shops inside the building.

    トムとジェリー's answer (Posted on:2016/3/ 5)

558-8 Koujicho, Higashi-shio, Shimogyo-ku

  • 施設を目的にして行っても満足できます

  • 京都駅から歩いて行ける距離です。天然温泉の大浴場は内風呂の他に露天風呂があります。朝食を楽しみにして行くので夕食はいつも軽めにしており、深夜に無料で提供される夜鳴きそば(ラーメン)のみいただいています。朝食ビュッフェでは各店舗でご当地メニューが登場し、こちらの店舗では海鮮丼や茶そばがありました。

    ずんたこす's answer (Posted on:2024/1/ 3)

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