• 和食|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!
  • 和食|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!

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Ranking of recommended hotels for "Japanese cuisine"
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4-4 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

  • You can enjoy hot springs in a purely Japanese-style building

  • The building, rooms, and service at this Ryokan (Japanese inn) were all great. It's a Japanese-style building, so it seems like it would be well received by foreigners. The guest rooms are independent guest cottages, so it's quiet and time seems to flow slowly. The bath in the room was great, with a great view and you could relax in it. All the food was delicious. The service was polite, and overall it was a very satisfying inn.

    asas's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)

8888 Toyosato, Nozawa-Onsenmura, Shimotakai-gun

  • This is an inn in Nozawa Onsen with an open-air bath where you can enjoy a beautiful starry sky.

  • This resort hotel is popular for its free-flowing open-air baths and Shinshu local cuisine in Nozawa Onsen. You can also enjoy the hot springs from the open-air observation baths overlooking the hot spring town of Nozawa and the beautiful starry sky, the tatami baths (large observation baths) that are rare in the prefecture and have a spectacular Breathtaking view of the hot spring town and mountains, and the private open-air baths (Hyakuban Kannon married couple Baths) surrounded by greenery. As for meals, you can eat kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using Shinshu premium beef and Shinshu salmon. The specially ordered dishes such as trout and seasonal vegetable tempura, horse sashimi, and Shinshu premium beef stone-grilled are particularly delicious.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/8/21)

2-8-9,Kamiichi, Matsuyama, Ehime

  • A Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) with hot springs that foreigners will love

  • If you are looking for a Japanese-style hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Dogo Onsen that will please your foreign friends, how about this inn? Dinner here is a Japanese kaiseki meal centered on seafood and vegetables from the Seto Inland Sea. The hot spring is a hypotonic, weakly alkaline spring, which is said to be effective for joint pain and neuralgia. Highly recommended.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/8/14)

Sengokuhara 1244-2

  • Hakone has rooms with views of Mt. Fuji

  • We stayed in a room with a view of Mt. Fuji, and were blessed with good weather, so we were very pleased to see the majestic Mt. Fuji. The view of nature and Mt. Fuji from the open-air bath was also very relaxing. Both breakfast and dinner were Buffet style, but there were also many Japanese dishes such as nigiri sushi and tempura. There were many foreigners and families, so the dining area was lively.

    中里's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 8)

80 Moto-Hakone, Hakone-machi, Ashigara-shimo-gun

  • A long-established resort hotel located in one of the best locations on the shores of Lake Ashi in Hakone

  • 首都圏からですと、新宿から「小田急ハイウェイバス」で150分くらいで直接ホテルまで行けます。電車だと箱根湯本駅から車で25分くらい。箱根・芦ノ湖畔でも屈指のロケーションに位置する老舗のリゾートホテルです。ホテルから芦ノ湖と富士山がみえて、大浴場と露天風呂で自家源泉の芦ノ湖温泉も堪能できます。食事は洋食と和食が選べて夕食は和食・朝食は洋食にしましたが、夕食は季節感を感じられ美味しく見た目も素敵でした。

    夢々's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 8)

Hotarudani 31

  • The view from the open-air observation bath was amazing.

  • This is an inn in Asamushi Onsen, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture. The water at Asamushi Onsen has no peculiar taste and is easy to bathe in. The view from the open-air observation bath was amazing. It was spacious and clean, with a great view of the ocean, and it felt great to bathe in. The changing room had lockers with keys so it was safe, and it was well-cleaned and clean. The food was delicious both in the morning and in the evening. I was surprised by the "apple tempura" at dinner, but it was unexpectedly delicious.

    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2020/1/30)

3713-16 Usami

  • An inn where you can enjoy boat-style platters!

  • For meals, you can enjoy a boat-shaped platter of fresh fish caught at Ito Port. The boiled golden-eyed snapper caught at Shimoda Port is also delicious. You can enjoy the hot springs in an open-air bath with Breathtaking view where the water 100% natural hot spring. You can enjoy Breathtaking view of the sea, the night view, and the starry sky.

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2024/1/ 5)

85 Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa-shi

  • 純和風の客室に泊まるのはいかがですか?

  • 温泉街まで歩いて5分の距離にある宿です。設備やサービスが近代的な仕様になっているので、国外の方や温泉街に馴染みのない方でも過ごしやすいですよ。主役である温泉は、男湯女湯の両方に露天風呂と露天寝湯と内湯とがあります。この寝湯はどこにでもあるものではなく、背中を預けて楽な姿勢で入浴できるので癒されます。露天風呂も広めで、小さい宿が多い銀山温泉の中でもかなり開放感ある空間だと思います。季節を感じる景色に囲まれている点もおすすめです。

    Euc's answer (Posted on:2024/12/ 3)

522 Nakayama, Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa-shi

  • 美味しい料理が自慢の宿

  • 大きな窓が印象的な部屋が多く、窓から銀山の山々の景色を見ることができます。冬は雪が振って雪化粧を纏う銀山がとても印象的です。山形の旬と伝統を織り交ぜた懐石料理はとてもおいしいですよ。朝食も銀山の旬がたっぷり詰まったもので満足すること間違いなしだと思います。最寄りの大石田駅までは送迎バスもあるのでアクセスもしやすいと思います。

    みこっち's answer (Posted on:2024/12/ 3)

417 Ginzan Shinhata, Obanazawa-shi

  • レトロな木造和風建築の旅館

  • 大正ロマン感のある宿で少し古さを感じる宿です。登録有形文化財宿に登録されているくらいなので、綺麗な宿がいい方にはあまりお勧めできません。古くはありますが清潔感はありますし、お料理も美味しです。滞在期間中アルコールを含めフリードリンクになっていたりとサービス面も満足できると思います。(アルコールは22時まで)木造のなので隣の部屋の方の音など響きやすいので注意が必要です。温泉はこぢんまりとしていますが清潔があり、源泉かけ流しの温泉が堪能できます。

    rianko's answer (Posted on:2024/12/ 3)

1-33 Yunomachi, Dogo

  • This is an inn with Japanese-style rooms in Dogo.

  • This is a Japanese-style hot spring inn located in the central area of Dogo Onsen town, and has Japanese-style rooms, so even foreigners can experience Japanese culture. The baths are equipped with an open-air bath and sauna, and the facilities are well-equipped. You can enjoy Ehime-only gourmet food such as sashimi and sea bream rice made with seafood from the Seto Inland Sea, so be sure to check it out.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2022/7/14)

868 Shirahamacho, Nishimurogun

  • 本格的な和食が出てくるホテルです

  • しっかり和食を食べたいなら、こちらのホテルがおすすめです。本格的な和会席だけでも大満足のボリュームです。別注料理もいくつかあり、船盛りや天ぷらといった日本らしいメニューをさらに追加することもできます!「眺望の湯」という露天風呂からは白い砂浜と海など、開放的な景色を一望することができます。他にも趣の異なる露天風呂や貸切風呂などがあり、館内で軽く湯めぐり気分を味わえると思いますよ。

    井口's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 2)

144 Motohakone, Hakone-Machi, Ashigarashimo-Gun

  • The annex has a hot spring facility where you can enjoy a view of Lake Ashi.

  • 部屋から芦ノ湖の景色と富士山も見えて絶景です。特に朝は富士山が綺麗に見えてとても清々しい気持ちになりました。朝食は和洋のバイキングにしましたが、和食膳も選べます。本館と別館があって、別館の方に温泉がありました。温泉は広く、ゆったりと楽しめました。芦ノ湖を眺めながらの露天風呂も最高でした。

    sho440's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 8)

14. Shirasagi

1056-22 Tsubaki, Shirahama-cho, Nishimuro-gun

443 Shinpata, Ginzan, Obanazawa-shi

  • 友人と貸切風呂を利用できる

  • この宿はすべてのお風呂が貸切風呂となっているため、温泉宿の中でも初心者向きです。趣の異なる5種類のお風呂は24時間利用できるため、入浴のために旅行スケジュールを見直す必要がないところも便利ですよ。銀山温泉は灯りが付く夜こそ見ごたえがあるので、時間を気にせず散策してほしい街でもあります。客室は全室が銀山川に面しているため、お部屋から温泉街を見渡すことも可能です。部屋によって景観やグレードが異なる宿も多い中、そこに左右されないのもうれしいポイントです。

    中里's answer (Posted on:2024/12/ 2)

1-11 Higashi Kaigan-cho, Atami-shi

  • Atami accommodations with plans that include luxurious boat platters

  • There is a plan that includes a luxurious boat-style platter, and dinner is served with a luxurious boat-style platter of local fish. Meals are served in the room, so you can relax. There is a room plan that includes a semi-open-air bath with 100% natural hot spring, so even foreigners can relax in the hot spring without worrying about others around them.

    ひひん's answer (Posted on:2023/11/15)

monjyu 310

20-8 Dogo Yunomachi

  • A Japanese inn with a traditional Japanese feel

  • This inn is built using traditional Japanese architectural techniques, so you can feel the Japanese atmosphere to the fullest. It is a very nice inn with a stately Japanese atmosphere and a luxurious feel. For meals, they are proud of kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ), which is packed with the best of Japanese cuisine, and everything is delicious, so even foreigners can have a satisfying time.

    yosssssy's answer (Posted on:2019/6/15)

Inuta 10-76

2428 Shirahama-cho

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