• Gourmet | Hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) that are popular with reviews!
  • Gourmet | Hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) that are popular with reviews!

Popular rankings of hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended for "gourmet"! 47Trip is the place to book hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) related to "gourmet," including information on facilities such as rooms with popular open-air baths and souvenir corners, and the best places for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hotels for "gourmet"
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4-4 Dogo Sagidani-cho, Matsuyama-shi

  • You can enjoy hot springs in a purely Japanese-style building

  • The building, rooms, and service at this Ryokan (Japanese inn) were all great. It's a Japanese-style building, so it seems like it would be well received by foreigners. The guest rooms are independent guest cottages, so it's quiet and time seems to flow slowly. The bath in the room was great, with a great view and you could relax in it. All the food was delicious. The service was polite, and overall it was a very satisfying inn.

    asas's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)

1-1-1, Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi

  • The hotel is adjacent to Sendai Station.

  • 仙台駅に隣接するアクセス抜群のホテルです。美味しい牛タンを食べることができる鉄板焼きのレストランが入っているのでおすすめいたします。駅周辺には牛タン以外でも松島の牡蠣や塩竃のお寿司など美味しいグルメのお店があります。仙台グルメを楽しんでください。

    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/1/28)

203 Yumoto, Nasu-machi

  • Shika no Yu is 1.1 km away and can be reached in 3 minutes by car.

  • This hotel is convenient for accessing Shika-no-yu at the foot of Mt. Nasu. The hotel is located in Nasu Yumoto Onsen. Shika-no-yu is 1.1 km away, and can be reached in 3 minutes by car. It has twin rooms suitable for couples, so it is recommended. The accommodation price is also within budget, with plans starting from 10,800 yen for one night with two meals. The hotel is proud of its extensive Buffet meals, including tuna sashimi, sushi, freshly fried tempura, and chilled chawanmushi made with Nasu Goyo eggs.

    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/5/12)

1-33 Yunomachi, Dogo

  • This is an inn with Japanese-style rooms in Dogo.

  • 道後の温泉街の中心エリアにある和風の温泉のある宿で、和室があり、外国人の方にも日本文化を感じていただけると思います。お風呂は露天風呂やサウナもあり、施設が充実しています。瀬戸内の海の幸を使ったお刺身や鯛めしなど、愛媛ならではのグルメを楽しめますので、ぜひ。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2022/7/14)


  • You can have a luxurious stay.

  • If you're looking for a luxurious stay, this inn has rooms with open-air baths with a view. You can also rent out a hot spring that combines a rock sauna and a hot spring. Meals include kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with Tajima beef, crab, and fresh local ingredients, making for a truly luxurious stay. (There are various plans, so please have a look and choose one to enjoy.)

    May_W's answer (Posted on:2023/9/ 3)

Toyosato 8713,Nozawa Onsen

  • You can enjoy dishes made with seasonal ingredients throughout the year.

  • 野沢温泉で地元グルメが味わえるお宿でしたらこちらをおすすめします。昔ながらの雰囲気がとっても素敵なホテルです。お部屋も昔の雰囲気が漂う和室で寛げます。食事は、信州ならではの、季節ごとの旬な食材をつかった会席料理でとてもおいしいです。

    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2023/8/ 2)

7-1 Ekimaecho, Yokote

  • A hotel with excellent access from Yokote Station

  • The hotel is conveniently located just 30 seconds walk from Yokote Station. There are five places to eat dinner, including a Japanese restaurant with a Kiritanpo hotpot set meal. Breakfast is a Japanese set meal made with local Akita ingredients. The room was spacious and comfortable.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/12/ 7)

2-8-9,Kamiichi, Matsuyama, Ehime

  • A Japanese-style Ryokan (Japanese inn) with hot springs that foreigners will love

  • If you are looking for a Japanese-style hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Dogo Onsen that will please your foreign friends, how about this inn? Dinner here is a Japanese kaiseki meal centered on seafood and vegetables from the Seto Inland Sea. The hot spring is a hypotonic, weakly alkaline spring, which is said to be effective for joint pain and neuralgia. Highly recommended.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/8/14)

8888 Toyosato, Nozawa-Onsenmura, Shimotakai-gun

  • A hotel with great hot springs and kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )

  • The view from the open-air bath is outstanding. I was able to enjoy the hot springs at a leisurely pace while looking down on the hot spring town of Nozawa. The private open-air bath was located far independent guest cottages, so it felt like I was in the middle of nature. The meals used many local ingredients. They were carefully prepared and very elegantly seasoned.

    ヒナちゃん's answer (Posted on:2017/7/18)

7-26, Dogotakocho

1272 Zao Onsen

  • This is a recommended inn for staying in an open-air bath after visiting the Okama Crater of Zao.

  • This inn is located in a quiet forest and lakeside at the foot of the Zao mountain range. From here, you can walk 108 steps to the inn and enjoy the natural hot spring "independent guest cottages no Yu Hyakuhachiho". You can enjoy the hot spring in the bathhouse, the open-air bath with Breathtaking view of the Zao mountain range and Tatsuyama, and the all-wooden indoor bath. As for meals, you can eat kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )using high-quality ingredients such as the finest Yamagata beef.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/12/20)

1042 Tamayu-cho Tamatsukuri, Matsue-shi

  • 美味しいカニ料理を堪能出来ます!

  • 玉造温泉の「旅亭 山の井」は、島根県産の青いタグ付きの松葉ガニが堪能出来るなど、様々なプランのあるお宿です!ぎっしりと詰まった身と上品な旨みが思いっきり楽しめますよ。中でも「カニ三昧会席」がお勧めで、お造りや甲羅付き焼きガニ、蟹足フライ、蟹雑炊などが登場しどれを食べても美味しいです。

    ぺこポコ's answer (Posted on:2020/11/ 5)

20-8 Dogo Yunomachi

  • A Japanese inn with a traditional Japanese feel

  • This inn is built using traditional Japanese architectural techniques, so you can feel the Japanese atmosphere to the fullest. It is a very nice inn with a stately Japanese atmosphere and a luxurious feel. For meals, they are proud of kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ), which is packed with the best of Japanese cuisine, and everything is delicious, so even foreigners can have a satisfying time.

    yosssssy's answer (Posted on:2019/6/15)

9515 Toyosato,Nozawaonsen-mura,Shimotakai-gun

  • A hotel in Nozawa Onsen featured on the TV show "Nama Desu Tabi Salad"

  • TV番組で紹介されたホテルです。野沢温泉の地元の食材を活かしたフレンチがいただけます。オーナーが元レストランのシェフということだけあって、見栄えも味も絶品です。さらに地元でとれた無添加フルーツジャムや地元グルメであるおやきなど、郷土料理を楽しんだりお土産として持ち帰ることもできます。客室は樹のぬくもりが感じられる家具が揃えられていて、オーナーのこだわりを感じるリラックスできる雰囲気になっています。最大4名での宿泊が可能なので家族旅行でも利用できそうです。

    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2024/2/19)

Shinhotaka, Okuhidaonsengo

  • mineral deposits in the open-air bath is the best

  • You take the elevator to the basement floor, and the moment you get in, you'll smell sulfur and get excited. The indoor bath is spacious and has plenty of places to wash. There is a little distance between the indoor bath and the open-air bath, but there are two hot springs with different water quality. The open-air bath at the front has "yunohana" precipitated in it, so when you enter, the "yunohana" floats in the air and turns the bath white and cloudy!

    シマトモ's answer (Posted on:2021/11/24)

9329, Toyosato, Nozawaonsen-mura Shimotakai-Gun

  • Enjoy original Yamazato cuisine

  • "Ryokan (Japanese inn) Sakaya" is a 3-minute walk from the Nozawa Onsen bus stop. You can enjoy Nozawa Onsen to your heart's content with 100% natural hot spring, where you can wear a swimsuit, the private bath, the shared large bath and the open-air bath. For dinner, you can enjoy Yamazato's original cuisine, and for breakfast, you can choose from a variety of Japanese dishes.

    モッティ's answer (Posted on:2023/2/12)

173 Noboribetsuonsencho,Noboribetsuonsenshi

44-2 Tamayu-cho, Tamatsukuri, Matsue-shi

7923-3 Toyosato, Nozawa Onsen-mura, Shimotakai-gun

  • You can enjoy the flavors of Nozawa and Shinshu.

  • 野沢で源泉100パーセントの新鮮な天然温泉が楽しめるお宿です。野沢温泉といえば野沢菜などの特産品で、こちらの宿でもお食事に野沢菜のお漬物などが供されます。信州プレミアム牛のステーキやうまみの詰まった馬刺しなど、野沢のグルメが盛りだくさんでおすすめです。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2020/9/28)

7-7 Ekimae-cho, Yokote City

  • A lovely inn where you can relax and unwind even though it's close to the station

  • This inn is located in an excellent location, just a 3-minute walk from Yokote Station, and yet you can relax and unwind. The large open-air bath bath allows you to relax while looking out at the garden, and the indoor bath is also spacious and open. For food, we had kiritanpo hotpot. It was delicious, with plenty of meat and vegetables.

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2020/6/22)

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