• 素泊まり|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!<span data-wovn-ignore>2025年</span>のおすすめ<span data-wovn-ignore>93</span>選
  • 素泊まり|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2025年のおすすめ93

「素泊まり」でおすすめなホテル・旅館93件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「素泊まり」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

Ranking of recommended hotels for "room only"
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326 Benzaiten-cho, Shimogyo-ku

  • Affordable price and good service

  • This Ryokan (Japanese inn) is a 5-minute walk from Gojo Station, and the courtyard is carefully maintained, so it is recommended as a place where you can spend time in the good old Kyoto style. The rooms are spacious Japanese-style rooms, and there is also a private bath, so it is recommended for spending the whole day relaxing in the inn.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/16)

1-3-5 Kayabacho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku

Miyanoura 1208-9

3-7-20 Nanba, Chuo-ku

  • 道頓堀までアクセス良い温泉のあるホテル!

  • 道頓堀でリバークルーズや食い倒れを満喫した後に、アクセス便利な天然温泉のホテルなので、おすすめいたします。道頓堀にある有名な戎橋までは徒歩5分です。温泉は低張性弱アルカリ性泉の湯で、大浴場でゆっくり寛ぐことができます。ご希望の素泊まりプランがあります。大阪の中心部で天然温泉を満喫できるホテルなので、おすすめです。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2024/2/ 8)

648 Imazu, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • 素泊まりでも、十分楽しめる温泉宿

  • They were very kind, picking me up when I arrived at the station and even taking me to and from soto-yu (public bathhouses). The building is old, but clean, so I was able to stay there with peace of mind. The inn also issues free bathing tickets that can be used to visit soto-yu (public bathhouses) of Kinosaki Onsen, so I was able to fully enjoy the hot springs of Kinosaki. There is also an indoor bath in the building, which can be used as a private bath.

    nanochip's answer (Posted on:2020/8/17)

3-21-19 Achi

  • Hotel with big bed near Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter

  • Although it is a little independent guest cottages from Kurashiki Station, it is close to the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, and the hotel is attractive because you can sleep comfortably in a large bed. The marble bathroom is what makes it different from other business hotels. There is also a restaurant in the hotel, where you can choose from Japanese and Western cuisine prepared by top chefs. It would be fun to wear a rental kimono and go on a Hinamatsuri tour.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

23 - 14 - 2 Shimanouchi, Chuo-ku

  • アクセスも良くて、イクラの盛り放題が魅力

  • 道頓堀までアクセスが良い温泉のある宿をお探しであれば、「夕霧の湯 ドーミインpremiumなんば」をおすすめします。最寄りが日本橋駅で、道頓堀までは徒歩10分位で行ける好立地です。ドーミインは全国で定評があるチェーン展開の宿なので、おすすめです。温泉は岩風呂などの風情を演出してうるのも嬉しいです。アメニティもなかなか良いし綺麗なので気持ち良く過ごせます。湯質は柔らかく身体がいつまでもポカポカ気持ち良いです。食事はバイキングで和洋の品数豊富なメニューが並びますが、イクラのかけ放題が人気です。素晴らしい海鮮丼を堪能してください。レベルが高いサービスに温泉と大満足な食事があるので良いです。

    温泉大好き夫婦's answer (Posted on:2024/1/28)

1-5-5, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku

  • Conveniently located near JR Asakusabashi Station

  • If you are looking for a cheap business hotel near JR Asakusabashi Station, we recommend that you consider HOTEL MYSTAYS Asakusabashi as one of your options. There is a coin laundry and a convenience store in the hotel, so it is convenient.

    miyosiko's answer (Posted on:2017/4/ 1)

1-5-38 Honcho, Aoba-ku

  • 素泊まりなら4000円程度から泊まれリーズナブル

  • 「ドーミーイン仙台駅前」はいかがでしょうか。場所はJR仙台駅西口より徒歩約5分程度にあります。素泊まりならAgodaのセールの時なら4000円程度から泊まれて安いです。お風呂は内風呂と露天風呂にサウナ・水風呂もありました。夜は小腹がすいたらドーミーイン名物のおいしい「夜鳴きそば」が無料で頂けます。

    TS's answer (Posted on:2021/10/ 9)

1-101-1 Sakuragi-Cho, Naka-Ku

  • If you are looking for a hotel in Yokohama with children, we recommend Yokohama Sakuragicho Washington Hotel.

  • 桜木町駅から徒歩1分の好立地で、小学生までなら添い寝も可能です。赤ちゃんならベビーベッドの貸し出しもあり、お子様連れにはおすすめのホテルです。アンパンマンミュージアムがあるみなとみらいへのアクセスも良いですよ。ホテルの1階にはコンビニがありますので、緊急で必要な物も気軽に調達することができると思います。部屋の広さは普通サイズですが清掃もされていて綺麗でした。宿泊時期にもよりますが素泊まりであればご希望のご予算内で泊まることが可能だとおもいますのでご検討ください。

    サウル・カネロ・アルバレス's answer (Posted on:2019/11/12)

427 Kinosakicho Yushima, Toyooka, Hyogo

  • The perfect place for Visiting hot springs

  • 外湯巡りに最適な温泉街中心に位置する大和屋さんはいかがでしょう。素泊まりでも外湯フリーパスがついていたり、周りには居酒屋、コンビニがあって食べるものに困ることもないので、学生時代の節約旅行には嬉しいポイントを抑えたお宿です。

    わらわら's answer (Posted on:2022/8/25)

Aobaku Chuo 2-9-23

  • A large public bath with natural hot spring water that is more than comparable to a business hotel

  • I recommend "Gengetsu no Yu." It is a business hotel conveniently located about a 10-minute walk from the west exit of JR Sendai Station. The natural hot spring is a colorless, transparent, hypotonic, weakly alkaline hot spring, and the hotel is beautifully built, unlike a business hotel, and was able to thoroughly soothe the fatigue of work. For breakfast, you can enjoy healthy dishes such as freshly baked bread for free. There are convenience stores, supermarkets, and restaurants around the hotel, making it convenient. You can stay at a reasonable price, and it is recommended for business trips.

    nanochip21's answer (Posted on:2022/3/ 4)

964 Higashi-kawaramachi, Higashi-oji Nanajo-sagaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi

  • Shukubo located near Sanjusangendo Temple

  • ここは宿坊なので安くても安心して泊まれる宿です。三十三間堂すぐのベストポジションで周囲には見どころが多数揃っています。宿坊ですが、旅館並の設備が整っています。5名ということなので10畳の和室になると思います。浴室もとても綺麗ですよ。素泊まりということですが、せっかくの機会なので宿坊の美味しい朝食はいかがですか。とても綺麗なので女性グループにはお奨めしたい宿になっています。

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/5/ 6)


  • A traditional facility where you can experience pottery and painting

  • "Kurashiki Ivy Square" is a traditional hotel. It has a very calm atmosphere. The building is a little old, but that's what makes it so charming, and it matches the town of Kurashiki perfectly. You can also experience pottery and painting, which are unique to Okayama. The price is not cheap, but I would like to stay at this wonderful hotel again.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

2-8-1 Achi, Kurashiki

  • A hotel close to the station, convenient for event venues

  • I stayed here during the long weekend to visit the Ohara Museum of Art. There are several venues for the Kurashiki Hinamatsuri, and I heard from the hotel that you need to travel by train to get there. If you're just looking to stay and don't want too much, there's no better hotel than one that's close to the station. There are hotels that are closer to the station, but of the hotels I've stayed at, I recommend this one.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

Chuo-ku Yaesu 2-2-7

3-2-12, Hamasaki-cho, Ishigaki-shi

  • Enjoy a comfortable stay at a business hotel

  • We recommend Toyoko Inn Ishigakijima, which is easily accessible by car from New Ishigaki Airport, and is a business hotel where you can easily stay for multiple nights. The guest rooms are comfortable as they are in a major hotel, and you can stay in a spacious room. The view is great, and it's also nice that it's close to a shopping mall.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/27)

814-1 Kawaminami, Yufu

  • A lodging facility for 6 people in Yufuin Onsen

  • The independent guest cottages building at Tomiki no Yado has a room that can accommodate six people. It has an open-air bath, so you can bathe whenever you like. There is also a large, open-air bath, so you can enjoy the hot springs to the fullest.

    グラスマン's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 8)

Kawakami 2900-5

  • 大きな和室があって素泊まりできるお宿

  • 定員8名までの大きなお部屋があります。和室18畳の広々としたお部屋なので、グループ団体におすすめ。素泊まりプランもあります。リーズナブルな価格で宿泊できます。学生さんでも泊まりやすいお宿ですよ。満天の星が楽しめる露天風呂や大浴場、サウナ、マッサージ効果もあるジャグジーなど、温泉施設も充実しています。無料の駐車場があるので車移動の方には便利でお得。由布院ICから車で8分の場所に位置し、アクセスも便利です。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/10)

66-2 Syukuyacyou, Kyoutoshi Shimogyoku

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