• 城崎・竹野・豊岡|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!
  • 城崎・竹野・豊岡|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!

「城崎・竹野・豊岡」でおすすめなホテル・旅館の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「城崎・竹野・豊岡」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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  • This is a place with great service.

  • This is a relaxing Japanese-style inn surrounded by nature. As it is for elderly people, if you tell the inn, they will give you a room that is easy to move around in. There are four open-air baths surrounded by nature, which are very relaxing. Meals are made with fresh local ingredients, and you can also dine in a private room if you request it when making a reservation.

    May_W's answer (Posted on:2023/9/ 8)


  • 創業160年の老舗旅館で贅沢なひとときを

  • 創業160年の老舗高級旅館で、外も中も純和風の造りでとっても素敵な雰囲気があります。のんびりゆったりできること間違いなしです。温泉は、檜の湯舟で庭園をながめながら温泉が楽しめます。気持ち良いです。食事は、旬の食材を使った会席料理で、目で見て楽しめて、食べても楽しめて、ほんと贅沢なひとときが過ごせます。

    へゆもんて's answer (Posted on:2023/9/19)

1232 Kinosakicho Momoshima

  • If you're looking for good value for money, Oedo Onsen is the place to go. The baths are great, and the food is great!

  • There are two large baths, "Genbu no Yu" and "Kuruhi no Yu", which are rare in Kinosaki and feature large indoor and outdoor baths, a sauna, and a cold bath. Meals are served Buffet for breakfast and dinner, with a wide selection of desserts and soft drinks. Entertainment facilities include free rental games, free yukata rentals, and massage machines. There is also a karaoke room and a games corner, but these are available for a fee. The price is less than 15,000 yen per person for a group of three or more.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2023/3/27)

Kinosaki-cho Yushima 880-1

  • You can enjoy crab in luxury

  • Here you can enjoy snow crab, a winter delicacy of the Sea of Japan, in a variety of ways. It's very filling, so you'll be very satisfied. Of course, since it's Kinosaki Onsen, the quality of the hot springs is high, and after you're full, you can relax in the baths. It's also nice that there is a shuttle bus to take you around the outdoor Visiting hot springs.

    おがにー's answer (Posted on:2024/7/31)

487 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka

648 Imazu, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • Great value for money, budget accommodation in Kinosaki

  • Ryokan (Japanese inn) Suigo is a little independent guest cottages from the hot spring town of Kinosaki Onsen, but it is a great value for money inn with very reasonable accommodation rates. It also has spacious rooms that can accommodate up to eight people, making it ideal for group trips such as university clubs. Your friends will surely be impressed with the atmosphere, with views of the Maruyama River from the windows. It also offers a free pass to visit the outdoor Visiting hot springs, making it a great value inn.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/10/22)

1256 Kinosaki Momoshima

  • 外湯に引けを取らない湯浴みの出来る当宿の多種多様な風呂!

  • 全館畳敷で象徴されるように、小さな子供から御高齢の方まで配慮ある温かい宿だ。また、風呂はバリエーション豊富で男女別に有る大浴場には、内湯、ジャグジー風呂、露天風呂にサウナ、水風呂が有り、これだけで十分湯浴み出来るが、名物の外湯も近いので、散歩がてらに色浴衣で出かけるのも良いだろう。湯上がり処には冷水、コーヒー等が用意されていて、フットマッサージ機も有る。食事は伝統の職人技の会席料理が出迎えてくれる。

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2023/4/ 3)

1013 Yujima,Kinosaki-cho,Toyooka-shi

  • Breakfast included, available for one person

  • This hotel offers a plan for single occupancy with breakfast included, so it should suit your needs. The price is also within your budget, so I recommend it. After enjoying soto-yu (public bathhouses), relax in the indoor bath. The open-air rock bath is a real treat.

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2020/12/27)

453 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • 部屋食プランで美味しい但馬牛に舌鼓

  • こちらの宿で部屋食プランを利用し、絶品但馬牛ステーキを満喫してきました。前菜から始まり、色々な料理が並ぶ中、メインの但馬牛ステーキ。きれいなサシです。身は分厚いのにくちにいれると、とろけるような柔らかさと旨味。感激の美味しさでした。但馬牛のビーフシチューも、肉のホロホロ感がたまりません。部屋なので地酒も満喫しながら大満足。温泉は貸切にしてもらえたので、気兼ねなくゆったりと楽しむことができました。浴室も風情ある造りで洒落ていました。

    くまたんさん's answer (Posted on:2022/2/ 2)

Kinosaki-Cho Momoshima 1297-1

  • 絶品料理と城崎温泉を堪能できる小さな宿

  • 少し中心地から離れますが、離れただけの良さがある閑静な隠れ宿です。送迎もあるので安心です。小さな宿なのですが、小さいからこその気配りや心配りができている今では珍しい宿です。ご希望の蟹は身がぎっしり詰まっているプリプリの蟹で、蟹味噌も最高です。日本酒が飲めるのであれば、甲羅に残った蟹味噌に日本酒を入れて頂くのも美味しいですよ。海鮮だけではなく、但馬牛のしゃぶしゃぶも絶品なので是非食べて欲しい一品です。蟹と但馬牛で食事は大満足できるレベルです。温泉は緑の自然が広がり開放感あるロケーションで楽しめます。湯質は柔らかく身体がポカポカして気持ち良いです。

    温泉大好き夫婦's answer (Posted on:2022/11/27)

11. Ichidaya

Kinosaki-cho Yushima 810

  • プチ贅沢な旅をカップルで「いちだや」

  • 「いちだや」は城崎温泉にあり、カップルで泊まるのにおすすめのモダンな宿で、カニのフルコースが夕食に楽しめます。フルコースプランの価格は安くないですが、少し贅沢な気分を味わえます。津居山ガニのカニ刺し、カニすき鍋、焼きガニ等美味しいカニの料理が楽しめました。そして食事の提供がお部屋の割に手ごろな価格で、品質とサービスのバランスの良さが感じられました。カップルの旅に適した品質とサービスの良さがある宿です。

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2022/12/17)

85-3 Momoshima, Kinosaki-cho

  • This inn is famous for Bijin-no-yu (a hot spring of beauty) in Kinosaki Onsen.

  • This inn is proud of its petal-covered open-air bath and bedrock bath (women can use the bedrock bath for free), which are a delight for women. The hot springs are also of excellent quality, with high levels of sodium and calcium chloride, and are said to be good for the skin, so you can enjoy them in the private rose open-air bath "Tensui" and the men's bath "Hanazono" with its own open-air bath. As for food, we recommend the full crab course, which will fill you up. In winter, there is also a "Tsuiyama crab" course. There are also plenty of yukatas available for women.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/1/26)

Kinosakicho Yushima 606

  • Enjoy touring soto-yu (public bathhouses) at a reasonable price! A traditional Japanese inn, "Tsuruya Ryokan (Japanese inn)"

  • "Tsuruya Ryokan (Japanese inn)" is a Showa-era retro inn located on the banks of the willow trees along the Otani River. There is a ropeway right in front of the inn, and it is conveniently located just a one-minute walk from the garden bath, Ko-no-yu, one of the seven soto-yu (public bathhouses) in Kinosaki Onsen town. It is the perfect inn to put on a yukata and enjoy Visiting hot springs and strolling around the hot spring town. There are only nine rooms in total, and they are calming, purely Japanese-style spaces. You can relax both your mind and body in a nostalgic and warm atmosphere. There is also a plan with no meals included, so you can fully enjoy touring soto-yu (public bathhouses) of Kinosaki Onsen.

    Turkey's answer (Posted on:2024/7/30)

503-6 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho,Toyooka-shi

  • Enjoy Tajima beef shabu-Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)and boiled crab kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )in a room with a semi-open-air bath!

  • We recommend the plan that allows you to stay in an 8-tatami Japanese-style room with a half open-air bath made of Shitara-yaki ceramics. For dinner, you can enjoy a leisurely in-room seafood kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )with Tajima beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot)and boiled crab as the main dishes. You can also enjoy a Japanese meal in the morning in your room. There are two private baths, which can be used for free of charge. Women can borrow colorful yukata for free, so it's a good idea to borrow one immediately after checking in. It would also be nice to take a bath in the soto-yu (public bathhouses) before dinner using the outdoor Visiting hot springs pass you receive at check-in.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2023/4/ 6)

274, Yushima, Kinosaki, Toyooka

  • There is a reasonable plan that includes a ticket to visit the outdoor Visiting hot springs.

  • The location is perfect for touring soto-yu (public bathhouses). It's also nice that a ticket to touring soto-yu (public bathhouses) is included. Although the room is not on the river side, there is a reasonable plan for a stay without meals, and the price of less than 10,000 yen per person is attractive.

    コリドラス's answer (Posted on:2020/12/10)

Kinosaki-cho Yushima 643

  • A traditional Japanese-style hot spring inn located in the heart of the hot spring town

  • Yamamotoya is located almost in the center of Kinosaki Onsen hot spring town, making it a convenient hot spring inn for sightseeing, including Visiting hot springs that are a specialty of Kinosaki. As a long-established hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) founded over 300 years ago, it offers Japanese-style rooms with a relaxing atmosphere. There are also private baths available, making it a great choice for married couple. The inn is also highly rated for its delicious cuisine, which uses fresh seafood from the Sea of Japan, unique to northern Kinki, and local ingredients from Hyogo Prefecture.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2023/4/ 7)

17. Korakuen

570-4 Imazu, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • A traditional inn with a rustic spring that will make you feel nostalgic

  • Not only the exterior, but the massage machines at the entrance to the lobby are old-fashioned, giving the place a retro feel. Also, when you enter the room, you'll find rotary dial phones, which are no longer seen these days, giving you a taste of old Japan.

    yo-ne's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 8)

221 Yushima Kinosaki-cho

  • 一番人気のカニ会席は松葉ガニ約2.5杯のフルコース

  • 城崎温泉にある「三國屋」はいかがでしょうか。駅から徒歩3分と観光に便利な立地のよい和風旅館です。温泉は湯冷めしにくく美肌効果のある塩化物泉でお風呂は全て貸切でプライベートに湯あみできます。一番人気のカニ会席は松葉ガニ約2.5杯のフルコース。しかもお部屋出しでカニをたっぷり堪能できます。7つある外湯めぐり券も付いています。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2023/6/13)

427 Kinosakicho Yushima, Toyooka, Hyogo

  • The perfect place for Visiting hot springs

  • How about Yamatoya, located in the center of the hot spring town, which is the perfect place to visit soto-yu (public bathhouses)? Even if you stay without meals, you will get a free pass to soto-yu (public bathhouses), and there are izakayas and convenience stores nearby, so you will never have trouble finding something to eat. This is a great place for a budget trip as a student.

    わらわら's answer (Posted on:2022/8/25)

20. Shinzan

1011, Kinosakicho Yushima

  • A hot spring inn with a retro atmosphere

  • Miyama Rakutei is located in a quiet area a little independent guest cottages from the hot spring town of Kinosaki Onsen, and is a hot spring inn characterized by a retro atmosphere reminiscent of the Taisho era. The building exudes a romantic mood, creating the perfect setting for a partner getaway, which is sure to deepen your relationship with your girlfriend. You can also fully enjoy the hot spring atmosphere with the open-air bath where you can relax while admiring nature, and kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with ingredients unique to Hyogo Prefecture such as Tajima beef and Tsuiyama crab.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/9/27)

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