• 和風|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!<span data-wovn-ignore>2025年</span>のおすすめ<span data-wovn-ignore>70</span>選
  • 和風|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2025年のおすすめ70

「和風」でおすすめなホテル・旅館70件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「和風」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

Ranking of recommended "Japanese style" hotels
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20-8 Dogo Yunomachi

  • 男女で色浴衣が借りれる珍しい和風のお宿

  • While most colored yukata rentals are only available to women, this hot spring inn is unusual in that it also has men's yukata available. The "Miraku-ryu yukata" provided here is a separate top and bottom, so it's easy to put on, and they also rent retro coats for cold days. You can also rent colored tabi socks, which are a stylish touch that will make walking outside a fun experience. For women in particular, walking outside can be a pain if the yukata comes undone, so this is a highly recommended rental. A detachable collar and obiage are also included, so your outfit won't look like it's been rented. The hot springs in the building are also open and spacious, so this inn is guaranteed to have a satisfying hot spring date!

    えんがわ's answer (Posted on:2019/9/30)

06-21 Yunomachi, Dogo

  • This hot spring inn is recommended for couples.

  • This hotel offers a rock sauna for two and a rental service for colorful yukata. The open-air bath and indoor bath are spacious and the location is great, so it was very relaxing. There was also a multi-course meal plan that focused on Ehime's local cuisine. Please enjoy your trip to Ehime to the fullest.

    ぷりん's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 3)

479 Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun

  • This is an inn with a Japanese atmosphere that will please your foreign friends.

  • 草津温泉で創業大正二年(1913年)で和の雰囲気がある宿です。本館は純和風で天井が高く木製のサッシもあります。そのため、日本の建築を体験したい外国人の方にも喜んでもらえると思います。また温泉を自然を感じる内湯付き露天風呂「琥珀の湯」や内湯付き露天風呂「瑠璃の湯」で楽しめます。そして食事ですが、山の斜面に面した食事処「奥庭」で上州牛や群馬県もち豚など地元の旬の食材を使った会席料理が食べられます。特に群馬県吾妻産のコシヒカリなどは絶品ですよ。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/11/14)


  • An inn surrounded by a spacious forest garden

  • I recommend "Nishimuraya Hotel Shogetsutei." The peaceful atmosphere surrounded by a vast forest garden is truly soothing and comfortable. The open-air bath and large bath are wonderful, allowing you to relax and unwind, and the food is also great, allowing you to enjoy the delicious flavors of Tajima. There are also a variety of crab dishes. It was a luxurious and relaxing trip.

    エイム's answer (Posted on:2017/10/13)

808 Arima-cho, Kita-ku

  • A historic hotel with many repeat customers from both within Japan and overseas

  • This is a historic luxury Ryokan (Japanese inn) that has many repeat customers in Japan. You can enjoy the famous "Kinsen" hot spring in Arima Onsen, Hyogo Prefecture. For dinner, you can enjoy a seasonal kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal ). There is also a Japanese-style garden inside the building, and being able to enjoy the view in a relaxing space is the charm of this adults-only inn.

    マチコ's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 2)

433-1, Agatsuma-gun

  • This inn has a calming Japanese atmosphere.

  • You can enjoy seasonal scenery such as flowers (rhododendrons) and autumn leaves on the premises. There is an open-air bath in the building where you can enjoy two types of hot springs. Meals are standard Japanese cuisine. In addition, steaks and fried chicken can also be ordered, so foreign guests who are not familiar with Japanese cuisine can feel at ease.

    ken ken chan's answer (Posted on:2019/7/21)

54-4 Nakao Shitamachi, Nishikyo-ku

  • 嵐山温泉のおすすめ宿

  • 渡月橋から眺める景色はいかにも京都らしく、外国の方には喜ばれるはずです。嵐山散策にも便利な立地となっております。露天風呂付き客室もあり、会席料理も目から楽しめる料理が沢山味わえます。費用的にもさほど高くありませんので、ご予算にあうかと思います。

    ぽっさむ's answer (Posted on:2016/9/14)

1530-2 Kawakami

  • A relaxing inn where you can stay without any worries.

  • This is a relatively reasonable price for a stay in Yufuin, a high-class hot spring resort. All rooms have a view of Mt. Yufu, which is very relaxing. The baths include a sophisticated indoor bath reminiscent of a hot spring resort, and an open-air bath made of large rocks, allowing you to fully enjoy the famous hot springs of Yufuin. For meals, there is a limited-time fugu-filled plan, where you can enjoy fugu sashimi, fugu hotpot, fried fugu, and fugu porridge to finish off the day.

    だんごっ鼻's answer (Posted on:2022/4/ 5)

9. Kaniyu


  • This inn has a relaxing atmosphere and is filled with the feeling of being at Secret hot spring.

  • We recommend this inn located further inside Kinugawa Onsen. Located in a quiet area of sightseeing hot spring, Kinugawa, this inn is full of the feeling of a Secret hot spring. It has a wonderful, rustic atmosphere. I'm sure even an older girlfriend will be satisfied with the calm atmosphere here.

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 3)

  • The oldest wooden hot spring inn in Japan!

  • 群馬県の四万温泉は道路の行き止まり付近にある。静かで、世間とは切り離されて別世界に来たような良い雰囲気があります。その中でも歴史があるといえば、こちらの宿でしょう。「本館」は元禄4年元禄4年建立ですし、昔ながらの木造建築がなぜか懐かしさを伴って、外観、内装どこを見ても圧倒されてしまいます。温泉にしても、「元禄の湯」は他ではちょっと見たことのない、天井の高いちょっと洋風「ハイカラ」の入った感じの浴場です。

    げろんぱげろげろ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

2-8-9,Kamiichi, Matsuyama, Ehime

  • 外観、内装、食事も和風の旅館

  • 外観も内装も和風の高級感あふれる旅館「うめ乃や」が良いと思います。お食事も和風ですし、温泉も風情がある和の雰囲気のヒノキ風呂などがあります。アメニティに浴衣が用意されているので、お部屋で浴衣を着てゆったり過ごすこともできます。

    かーめ's answer (Posted on:2019/7/ 4)

7-26, Dogotakocho

  • A representative inn in Dogo Onsen

  • This is a representative inn in Dogo Onsen. Couples can also enjoy it. I stayed here with my family of three. All three of us were very satisfied with the trip and it was a fun one. We were very satisfied with the facilities and the food, but the warm hospitality of the hotel staff was the best memory. They also rented out colorful yukata.

    ササラ's answer (Posted on:2019/8/ 3)

1-33 Yunomachi, Dogo

  • 江戸初期創業の老舗和風旅館

  • 道後温泉で和風旅館でしたら、「道後温泉 ふなや」がいいと思います。江戸時代初期の寛永年間創業の老舗です。昭和天皇も宿泊され、正岡子規、夏目漱石ゆかりの宿として有名です。日本庭園がありとても風情のある旅館です。泊まってみて損は全くないです。プランによっては予算内で宿泊できます。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 1)

Toyosato 8713,Nozawa Onsen

  • An inn that is chosen every year in the Hot Spring Awards

  • 誰に紹介しても間違いがないと言われるほど、上品で清潔感があって落ち着く宿です。掃除が行き届き、花が随所に飾られており華やかです。温泉は当然かけ流しの露天風呂があります。食事は「これぞ野沢の田舎料理」と呼べるものが並び、名物の『取り回し鉢』がとても美味しく病みつきになりそうです。スタッフのさりげない気配りが嬉しく料金もリーズナブルでおすすめです。

    なおちゃん's answer (Posted on:2019/11/ 7)

629,Tomo, Tomocho

  • 全室温泉露天風呂付客室の大人の宿

  • スタンダードの部屋でもウッドデッキがあり露天風呂から海の景色を眺めることができます。接客もお料理も日本人にも好評で、満足度の高い温泉旅館です。大浴場はありませんが貸切風呂があり、そちらで十分満足できると思います。広島県の福山市にある旅館で、宮崎駿監督のジブリアニメ映画「崖の上のポニョ」の舞台にもなった「鞆の浦」にあります。せっかく広島に行かれるのであれば鞆の浦での観光もおすすめです。

    中里's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 2)


  • The carefully maintained courtyard is impressive

  • 湯畑から歩いて3分ほどの好立地です。2つの源泉が楽しめる大浴場や露天風呂が人気な宿です。手入れされた中庭は純和風で、ほっと落ち着く気分にさせてくれます。大浴場や露天風呂も庭園風の造りになっているので、草津の湯と日本の庭園美を同時に満喫することが出来ますよ。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2019/10/ 5)

1302-4 Arima-cho Kita-ku Kobe-shi

  • An adult inn with excellent access!

  • The inn is located a 3-minute walk from Kobe Electric Railway Arima Onsen Station. There is also a shuttle bus. The cleaning is thorough and you can stay comfortably. There is free Wi-Fi, so you can do research without any problems. There is an open-air bath and a spacious large bath. The brown open-air bath, which is unique to Arima Onsen, feels very good. There are Japanese-style rooms where you can experience the Japanese atmosphere, and there are rooms with beds for those who don't like futons.

    タカヒロ's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 2)

70-1, Kusatsu, Kusatsu-machi Agatsuma-gun, Gunma

  • A hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) where you can feel the Japanese atmosphere in Kusatsu

  • This hot spring inn has two types of rooms: Western-style and Japanese-style. There are also spacious rooms that combine both Western-style and Japanese-style rooms, and all rooms are spacious and relaxing. Basic English support is available, so it is also recommended for foreign guests. The bath is a free-flowing natural hot spring, and you can enjoy Kusatsu's sulfur spring. At the restaurant, you can enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine, including fresh sashimi.

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2021/2/21)


  • 「せがい出し梁造り」の純和風旅館

  • 大阪屋旅館は湯畑から徒歩1~2分ほどの所にあります。創業当時の江戸時代から伝わる「せがい出し梁り造り」の和風旅館です。温泉は湯畑源泉を引き、内湯、露天の他に野趣あふれる洞窟風呂もあります。お料理は京風の懐石料理が頂けます。館内はとても風情があり、和の雰囲気が溢れています。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/2/17)

Yumoto 642-1

  • A designer hotel with 10 rooms, 7 minutes' walk from Hakone-Yumoto Station

  • ホテルの立地が良く箱根観光におすすめです。できて日が浅いので部屋もきれいですし、部屋数も全10室と少ないので落ち着いた時間を過ごせると思います。露天風呂付きのお部屋もありよりラグジュアリーな時間を過ごせますよ。ホテルではありますが日本らしい和の雰囲気のある外観でいい思い出になると思います。

    Euc's answer (Posted on:2024/11/ 3)

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