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  • 寺|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2025年のおすすめ31

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Ranking of recommended hotels for "Temple"
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964 Higashi-kawaramachi, Higashi-oji Nanajo-sagaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi

  • Recommended for those who are new to temple lodgings

  • This Shukubo, a short walk from Kyoto's Sanjusangendo Temple, offers modern amenities despite its traditional classification, making it highly recommended for first-time guests. A distinctive feature of this temple is the paintings on walls and sliding doors created by Hasegawa Tohaku, commissioned by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in memory of his son, Tsurumatsu. Additionally, a monk will serve as the guide. Guests can choose between Kyoto-style Kaiseki cuisine and Shojin Ryori (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine).

    旅好きトラベラー's answer (Posted on:2018/11/ 5)

606 Koyasan, Koya-cho, Ina-gun

  • A beginner-friendly Shukubo located in Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture

  • 「一乗院」さんをおすすめします。お寺の宿ならではの精進料理、写経や勤行などの体験もできます。自然に囲まれているので紅葉が綺麗です。修行の初心者も歓迎しているので軽い気持ちで泊まってみてはいかがでしょうか。

    アーニー's answer (Posted on:2017/9/25)

400-2 Rinka-cho

  • Kyoto's Shukubo offer a variety of plans

  • This Shukubo is located in Chion-in Temple, a famous tourist spot in Kyoto. All rooms are equipped with a bathtub, toilet, and air conditioning. There are also rooms with beds. If you're looking for a more substantial meal than Shojin Ryori (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine), Kaiseki cuisine using seasonal ingredients is recommended. Although it doesn't feel like a typical Shukubo, you can experience sutra copying, offering a unique and luxurious experience compared to ordinary temple lodgings.

    sawami's answer (Posted on:2018/11/ 5)

17 Nishikujo-Inmachi Minami-ku

  • The closest hotel to JR Kyoto Station Hachijo Exit (Shinkansen Exit)

  • 新幹線でJR京都駅を降り八条口から徒歩2、3分で到着するアクセスが便利なホテルです。本館ツインが割安だが部屋は若干狭いので、少し奮発してサウスウィングにすれば約23平米と快適な空間が楽しめる。地下鉄と市バスの一日フリーキップを利用すれば、格安で市内のほとんどの寺社仏閣を巡ることができる。なお、チェックアウト後もフロントで荷物を預かってくれるので便利である。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


  • If you're planning your first visit of the year, we recommend Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara.

  • 正月に初詣に行くなら奈良の春日大社がおすすめです。年が明けた1月1日には初太鼓の演奏とともに初詣が始まります。境内はライトアップされて幻想的で素敵です。奈良駅の近くに泊れば興福寺のそばを通って歩いて25分くらいで行けるので、奈良駅近くにあるHotel Nikko Naraに泊るのが良いと思います。初詣だけでなく、どこに行くにも便利なホテルですよ。

    井口's answer (Posted on:2024/7/11)


652-2 Kume cho Kashihara

  • Hotels near Kashihara Jingu-mae Station (1 minute walk)

  • It is close to Kashihara Shrine, so it is perfect for New Year's visits. There are Japanese-style and Western-style rooms. The ancient capital of Kashihara is the perfect place to spend time feeling the romance of the Manyo period. There is a hot spring bath called "Kashihara no Yu" that springs from within the hotel grounds, so you can enjoy the hot springs. Asuka is a 10-minute drive away.

    トムとジェリー's answer (Posted on:2016/5/ 9)


  • You can experience a luxurious Shukubo!

  • I think Fumon-in is one of the most luxurious Shukubo out of Shukubo many available. It is Shukubo in Mount Koya in Wakayama Prefecture, and you can choose from a Japanese and Western room suite with a bed to a simple 10-tatami Japanese-style room. Of course, the price is a little high, but you can experience everything you would get at a regular Shukubo, such as copying sutras and enjoying vegetarian cuisine. Depending on the plan, you can even have meals served in your room. Rather than a trip for young people, I think it's a great gift trip for parents who want to try sightseeing at Mount Koya for once.

    まりるり's answer (Posted on:2018/11/ 5)

1-2 Sanjo Honmachi, Nara-shi

  • Conveniently located accommodation

  • 肝心の寺社、メジャーどころでいくつか考えてみたのですが、奈良「春日大社」あたりが賑やかなわりにそこまで混雑してないのでは。宿からの道も、なだらかな商店街を20分ほあほど歩くか、途中で鹿が見えたりする市内循環バス(約10分200円)に乗るか。渋滞しなければバスは速くて楽ですね。どちらにせよちゃんと露店もあります、他都市への移動も容易です。

    金太待つ神田's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

657 Koyasan, Koya-cho, Ito-gun

  • Recommended temple lodgings at Koyasan

  • 宿坊を初体験するなら、和歌山県高野山の「高野山温泉福智院」をおすすめします。高野山でも人気の宿坊です。精進料理や打ち立てのそばが食べられます。ふもとから高野山に登ると、運が良ければ「お接待(高野山詣でをする人に無料でお茶が配られるなど)」が受けられるかもしれませんよ。

    かがわ's answer (Posted on:2017/9/ 4)

4220 Sakamoto Honmachi, Otsu-shi

  • 滋賀県の延暦寺の観光におすすめ

  • 滋賀県にある宿坊ですが文殊楼の後ろにあり、静かな場所にあります。朝は自由参加で、根本中堂でお勤めに参加します。すがすがしい気持ちになれます。食事は勿論精進料理ですが、色とりどりで美しく、楽しく食べられます。大浴場からの琵琶湖の眺めも最高です。

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

154 Koyasan

  • A Shukubo offering a variety of enjoyable experiences

  • 和歌山県高野山にある宿坊ですが、宿泊プランが充実していて(こう書くと、宿坊じゃないみたいですが)面白い宿です。朝のお勤め付きの精進料理1泊2食付きプランから、持ち込みOKの素泊まりプラン、お念珠作りやお坊さんと一緒に朝の壇上伽藍ツアーなどから選べます。格安というわけではありませんが、トイレ、洗面所付きでWi-Fi付きの部屋もあり、納得のお値段だと思います。特にお念珠作りは、良い思い出になる体験だと思います!

    さとさと's answer (Posted on:2018/11/ 5)

Koyacho Koyasan 456

  • A Shukubo in Wakayama Prefecture that serves delicious Shojin Ryori (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine)

  • Each room is remarkably beautiful, surpassing the expectations of a temple lodging, but the guest rooms in the annex are particularly exceptional with their private cypress baths. Enjoy the convenience of complimentary Wi-Fi in every room. Feel free to join us for the morning services if your schedule allows. A healthy, low-calorie Shojin Ryori (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine) will be served, but it tastes like dishes you'd enjoy at a high-end Japanese restaurant.

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2017/9/13)

176 sawaiyama, udoshikoaza

  • A resort hotel with natural hot spring facilities♪

  • The baths are large and there are many different types, so you can enjoy the hot springs to your heart's content. The prices are reasonable, and there is no excessive service, so you can enjoy it at your leisure. The meals are not extravagant, but casually incorporate Tamba's famous products, so adults can enjoy them, and they also have menus such as curry, so children can feel safe.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

497 Koyasan,Itogun Koyacho

  • 歴史と伝統を感じながら過ごせる宿坊寺院

  • When it comes to Shukubo in the Kansai region, Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture comes to mind. Why not take this opportunity to visit a World Heritage Site? The accommodation is well-equipped and conveniently located near the approach to the temple. With its stunning autumn foliage, this tourist spot is sure to impress. You can also experience zazen meditation and sutra copying by making a reservation.

    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

1-1-14, Kitano-cho, Chuo-ku

  • Easy access to Kitano Ijinkan district and shrines

  • Surprisingly, Kobe's Kitano Ijinkan District is within walking distance (about 8 minutes) from the Shinkansen stop (Shin-Kobe Station). The hotel we are introducing is located exactly halfway between this famous tourist spot and Ikuta Shrine, which is crowded with people making their first visit of the year every year. It is a great location for both sightseeing and visiting the shrine.

    大阪大好きっ子's answer (Posted on:2016/5/17)

292-2, Ikenojiri, Arima-cho, Kita-ku

  • 30 minutes by Kitashinkyuko Railway from Sannomiya Station on the subway

  • It is about 30 minutes by Kitakami Kyuko Railway from Sannomiya Station on the subway, and there is a hot spring shrine nearby (for fertility, safe childbirth, protection from evil, business prosperity, road safety, and longevity). The inn is the oldest hot spring in Japan, and has a day spa "Arima Onsen Taiko no Yu" where you can enjoy a total of 24 types of baths (Kinsen, Ginsen, and carbonated springs) and bedrock baths. It is also easily accessible to Kobe and Osaka, so if you have children, you can enjoy it according to your physical condition.

    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

18. Kumagaiji

501 Koyasan,Koya-cho

  • A Shukubo nestled in the remote areas of Wakayama

  • How about visiting Koyasan, a hidden gem in Japan? Using public transportation, it takes about 90 minutes from Namba by train, cable car, and bus. By car, it can take up to 120 minutes, even with traffic. Once you arrive in Koyasan, you'll be overwhelmed by its atmosphere. Meals consist of Shojin Ryori (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine), and you can enjoy authentic koya-dofu (freeze-dried tofu), named after Koyasan. Although the flavors are subtle, we encourage you to savor this authentic Japanese cuisine.

    SUU's answer (Posted on:2016/3/11)

20 Orodani, Sumoto-shi

54-4 Nakao Shitamachi, Nishikyo-ku

  • Experience the Japanese New Year atmosphere at a hotel on the Katsuragawa River

  • 決して安い旅館ではないのですで、予約が途切れることの少ない、京都は嵐山の「渡月橋」は、いかがでしょうか。なにぶんお正月の京都ですので、混雑はあると思いますが、社寺を選べばそれほどでもありません。なによりお正月気分を存分に楽しめます。

    るき's answer (Posted on:2016/10/19)

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