Current number of reviews posted7,381 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

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  • 7Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2018/1/16
  • Update date:2024/12/26
  • Kaike Seaside Hotel
  • Recommended hot spring inns where you can take a tour of Izumo Taisha Shrine and "GeGeGe no Kitaro"

After visiting Izumo Taisha Shrine, I would like to visit the Sakaiminato area, which is associated with Shigeru Mizuki. I would like to take a dip in a hot spring, so is there a good place to stay?

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7Hotel rankings chosen by people
4Man/7 The people
Kaike Seaside Hotel

3-4-3 Kaike Onsen, Yonago-shi

  • Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Kaike Onsen

  • 出雲大社から境港方面に行かれる場合、松江から大根島を通って境港のべた踏み坂を抜け、そこから国道を南下し、皆生温泉方面に出るのがいいとおもいます。「皆生シーサイドホテル 海の四季」は、市街地に沸く天然温泉で、海を見渡す景観のよさがおすすめです。
    ウイングチップ's answer (Posted on:2018/4/17)


All reviews(4View items

1Man/7 The people
Sakaiminato Onyado Nono Natural Hot Spring

216 Taisho-machi, Sakaiminato city, Tottori, Japan, 684-0004

  • There is also a natural hot spring just a short walk from Sakaiminato Station.

  • Conveniently located just a short walk from Sakaiminato Station, it is recommended as a base for sightseeing. There is a large natural hot spring bath that is open all night, so you can enjoy the hot springs at any time. Buffet includes local specialties and is delicious. The rooms are Japanese-modern and relaxing, with tatami mats and low beds for relaxation. Another recommended point is that the price is reasonable.
    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2018/4/22)


1Man/7 The people
Dormy Inn Izumo Hot Springs

1-3-3 Eki Minami Machi, Izumo-shi

  • An inn where you can enjoy natural hot springs at a reasonable price

  • 出雲にあるチェーンホテルです。出雲大社を始めとする出雲観光へのアクセスが良いので、観光客にはオススメです。また、お手頃なお値段で泊まれるのに、ビジネスホテルには珍しく天然温泉も楽しめてお得なお宿だと思います。
    マナ's answer (Posted on:2018/1/18)


1Man/7 The people
Super Hotel Yonago Ekimae

112, Mannocho

  • Hotel with natural hot springs in front of Yonago Station

  • 米子駅徒歩2分でアクセスも便利です。大浴場があり、天然温泉(源泉は三朝温泉)が楽しめます。朝食も健康朝食が無料。夕食はついてませんがホテルのスタッフが厳選したホテル周辺の食事処を紹介しています。もし、お車でお越しでないなら、駅前好立地の当ホテルが一番いいと思います。宿泊代もリーズナブルで申し分ないです。
    Rainbow 4169's answer (Posted on:2018/7/ 5)


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