Current number of reviews posted7,381 Making Travel More Fun! The ranking of hotel or inn in Japan which chosen by Japanese.

  • 693View
  • 16Person Answer
  • Question publication date:2013/12/ 4
  • Update date:2024/11/ 1
  • Ibusuki Kaijyo Hotel
  • I want to go on a trip to Kagoshima! Are there any recommended lodgings where I can take a sand bath?

We are married couple in our 30s. We will be staying in Kagoshima for 2 nights and 3 days in early February. Please let me know if there are any inns that have sand baths or are close to sand bath spots. If there are any Breathtaking view view, such as a view of Sakurajima, I would like to try them.

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2Man/16 The people
Ibusuki Kaijyo Hotel

3750 Junicho, Ibusuki-shi

  • The hotel has a sand bath facility.

  • The hotel has sand steam bath facilities, so when the sand steaming is finished, you can take off your yukata and take a shower without going outside, so you don't have to feel cold in winter. The room rate is reasonable, breakfast is in the Buffet style, and dinner is a kaiseki (Japanese-style meal), all of which are delicious.
    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2016/8/11)


  • Hotel with natural sand bath hot springs in Ibusuki

  • 「指宿海上ホテル」はいかがでしょうか?ホテル内で天然砂むし温泉が体験できるのでおすすめします。他にも錦江湾の景色を眺められる大浴場とジャグジーがあります。源泉かけ流しの指宿温泉に入った後はお肌がしっとりとします。海を眺めながら足湯も体験できます。
    かめや's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)


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