• 自然|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!<span data-wovn-ignore>2025年</span>のおすすめ<span data-wovn-ignore>19</span>選
  • 自然|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!2025年のおすすめ19

「自然」でおすすめなホテル・旅館19件の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「自然」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

Ranking of recommended hotels in "Nature"
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136 Fujihara, Nikkou-shi

  • A great place to enjoy the autumn leaves while soaking in Kinugawa Onsen

  • Located along the Kinugawa River, this hotel is perfect for enjoying the autumn leaves. All rooms have a semi-open-air bath. You can spend a luxurious time enjoying the autumn scenery from there while soaking in the flowing water of Kinugawa Onsen. Of course, even from the open-air bath in the large communal bath, the natural scenery, mainly of the mountains, spreads out before you, which is very soothing. For meals, they serve multi-course kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with seasonal ingredients. And in the evening, you can enjoy the bar lounge with an adult atmosphere, making this an inn where you can immerse yourself in a luxurious atmosphere. The nearest station, Ryuokyo Station, is 30 minutes from Kinugawa Koen Station, and a shuttle bus is available from the station.

    チャビ's answer (Posted on:2023/10/23)

2-1 Oyou, Tone-machi, Numata-shi

  • 老神温泉の自然に囲まれたお宿!

  • 仙郷は、吹割の滝の観光後のアクセスが便利なお宿です!自然に囲まれたお宿でゆっくり過ごすことができます。夕食は群馬が誇る2大食材、上州牛石焼きと上州豚しゃぶしゃぶをいただくことができます。朝食は和食または洋食を選べます。温泉は檜と石造りの2つの大浴場や開放感あふれる露天風呂で楽しめますよ。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2022/8/11)

Higashikawacho, Asahidakeonsen

  • A quiet hot spring with a great view of the foot of Mt. Asahidake.

  • This quiet hot spring hotel is located in Asahidake Onsen, about an hour from Asahikawa, and has an exterior reminiscent of a European mountain resort hotel, with relaxing rooms. Although it is in the mountains, the full-course Western meal service is delicious, using ingredients unique to Hokkaido. Needless to say, there is a wonderful hot spring, but there are also three free private baths that you can enjoy whenever they are available. This is a recommended place for trips around Asahikawa.

    マック's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 4)

359-2, Kinugawaonsentaki

  • Convenient accommodation for autumn trips to Kinugawa

  • 鬼怒川のそばの豊かな自然を臨むロケーションにあり、眺めのいい温泉旅館です。お食事には、さまざまな食材のバイキングがいただけ、時期によってかにやお刺身の食べ放題も楽しめます。天ぷらやステーキはできたてを楽しめ、食が進みます。紅葉の時期の鬼怒川も美しく、旅の拠点におすすめです。

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2021/6/19)

1-1 Fujiwara

  • The healing water is a simple spring

  • 内湯も良かったのですが、露天風呂は目の前に緑が広がっていてとても気持ちの良い空間でした。私たちは夏に行ったので、緑が鮮やかできれいでした。紅葉の時期もとても綺麗だと思うので、またその時期にも訪れたいと思います。

    ひな's answer (Posted on:2019/6/15)

Kinugawaonsen Ohara 1426-2

  • A hot spring inn where you can enjoy Breathtaking view along the Kinugawa River

  • 鬼怒川ロイヤルホテルは、鬼怒川沿いの風光明媚な場所にあり、素晴らしい渓谷美も存分にお楽しみいただける鬼怒川温泉の宿。秋ともなれば絶景の紅葉もご堪能いただけます。すぐ近くには観光名所である鬼怒楯岩大吊橋もあり、散策にも便利な立地。また、北関東の特産品や栃木県ならではの食材をふんだんに使ったお食事も評判で、比較的リーズナブルな宿泊料金も魅力です。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2022/4/ 4)

306 Utorokagawa, Shari-cho Shari-gun

Shikotsuko Onsen

81Yumoto,Kitaura, Oga-city

  • An inn where you can enjoy the scenery of the Sea of Japan and the hot springs of 100% natural hot spring

  • This hot spring inn is located on the Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture, famous for Namahage. All rooms have an ocean view, and you can enjoy the seasonal scenery of the Sea of Japan and the hot springs that 100% natural hot spring. The hot springs are sodium chloride springs with ingredients similar to seawater, and have a mellow texture on the skin.

    おるる's answer (Posted on:2020/8/25)

1437-1 Ohara, Kinugawaonsen

  • A recommended accommodation in Kinugawa Onsen for the autumn foliage season!

  • この宿のお食事は、季節の和・洋・中のお料理とデザート、フルーツ食べ放題のバイキングです。温泉は大浴場や鬼怒川渓谷を眼下に望める大自然に囲まれた鬼怒川随一の大きな露天風呂です。源泉かけ流し湯が満喫できます。お部屋からも鬼怒川の山並みの紅葉や大自然を眺望できます。龍王峡や紅葉スポットに行くにもおすすめの鬼怒川温泉の宿です。

    ゆうてん's answer (Posted on:2021/11/ 3)

1021 Ohara

  • A relaxing inn with a beautiful garden and easy access to Ryuokyo Gorge

  • 龍王峡から5キロの近さにある、こちらのお宿がおすすめです。紅葉狩りに散策にちょうどいい距離にあり、お宿の庭園も美しいので露天風呂から眺める庭園からも紅葉を楽しめるはずです。お食事は半個室でいただけ、プライベートが確保できゆったりと京風旬彩籠盛会席を味わえます。お風呂は「鬼怒の砦」「きぬの夢」の内湯・露天風呂の他に貸切露天風呂「かく恋慕」もあり、鬼怒川温泉のお湯をたっぷりと堪能できます。

    なち's answer (Posted on:2022/11/16)

12. Nanaeyae

Kinugawaonsen Oohara 1060

  • 5 minute walk from the station

  • 駅徒歩5分とは思えないほど、自然に囲まれ素敵な宿でした。どこに行くにも便利です。新緑、紅葉、雪景色と四季折々の渓谷美をダイナミックに感じられます。目の前に自然が広がる露天風呂に入ると、心も体も芯まで温まります。

    べあべあ's answer (Posted on:2019/6/19)

1388-3 Ohara

  • This inn is close to Kinugawa Onsen Station and has good access to Ryuokyo Gorge.

  • "Tabi no Yado Marukyo" is a 2-minute walk from Kinugawa Onsen Station and has good access to Ryuokyo Gorge. The hotel has a large communal bath and an open-air cypress bath, where you can enjoy 100% natural hot spring. You can choose from Japanese-style rooms, Japanese and Western room, and Western-style rooms. Dinner is a multi-course meal that incorporates local ingredients and regional cuisine. Breakfast is also a well-prepared Japanese meal that is very delicious.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/6/ 2)


390-3 Ohara

  • A quiet hotel along the Kinugawa River valley.

  • We recommend the Hotel Manyotei along the Kinugawa River. Located in a quiet environment surrounded by mountains and rivers, you can relax while listening to the murmuring of the stream. The best time to see the autumn leaves at Ryuokyo is from late October to mid-November!

    アンさん's answer (Posted on:2019/6/14)

55 Noboribetsu-onsen, Noboribetsu

  • A Hokkaido hotel where you can have a drink in the open-air bath

  • Noboribetsu Onsen is probably the most famous hot spring in Hokkaido, but I recommend this place because the large public bath is spacious and the quality of the water is good, so you can relax. There is also a service where you can enjoy alcoholic and soft drinks in the open-air bath, which is something you can hardly experience at other inns. Not only can you relax, but you can also have meals in your room, which is luxurious. There is also a table tennis and games corner on the premises, so children will not get bored.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/28)

19 Fujihara Kinugawaonsen

  • 紅葉も鬼怒川の大自然も愉しめる隣駅の宿

  • This inn is next to Ryuokyo Station and close to Kinugawa Koen Station. You can enjoy the autumn leaves on the Aizu-Kinugawa Line. The inn has a wonderful view of the murmuring Kinugawa River and an open-air bath full of rustic charm. We also recommend kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )which is made with seasonal ingredients and has a wide variety of dishes, so you can try a little bit of everything.

    あめあられ's answer (Posted on:2019/6/13)

Sounkyo Onsen, Kamikawa-cho, Kamikawa-gun

1060 Ohara Kinugawaonsen

  • 鬼怒川沿いにある自然美豊かなホテル

  • この宿は鬼怒川温泉街の少し上流にあり、自然美豊かなホテルです。全てのお部屋から鬼怒川を眺められ、四季を通じて楽しめます。秋には紅葉がきれいです。館内は品があり、気持ち良く過ごせます。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2020/1/ 4)
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