• 地酒|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!
  • 地酒|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!

「地酒」でおすすめなホテル・旅館の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「地酒」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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3-2-14 Kogan-dori, Suwa-shi

  • Enjoying sake at Lake Suwa

  • I recommend Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture. There are many sake breweries around Lake Suwa. You can also enjoy Kami-Suwa Onsen and Shinshu's local cuisine. At this inn, you can compare the taste of Suwa's famous sake. Coupons are also available for those who want to visit the sake breweries, so please inquire at reception desk.

    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/2/23)

3 Yuatsumi, Tsuruoka-shi

5-20 Hayama, Kaminoyama-city

  • 山形の地酒も食事でいただけるかみのやま温泉のおすすめのお宿

  • There is a regular shuttle service, so access is good. You can see the Zao mountain range from the open-air bath in the large communal bath. For meals, you can enjoy creative cuisine including Yamagata beef sukiyaki.

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2023/12/22)

54 Zao Onsen

  • A traditional Japanese inn that is also popular with overseas guests

  • 純和風の佇まいがとても素敵で、調度品として代々受け継がれた工芸品が飾られており、アメリカからのご友人も喜んでくれると思います。温泉の雰囲気も随一です。夕食には美味しい地酒と共に蔵王牛陶板ステーキをぜひ召し上がって欲しいです。

    まぐろ's answer (Posted on:2024/1/ 5)

5. Tsutaya


  • A long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) in Gassan Shizu Onsen that offers sake tasting plans

  • 月山登山客に人気の純和風老舗旅館で、部屋や浴場から月山を眺められます。素朴な郷土料理の夕食に利き酒飲み比べプランがあり、地元を代表する設楽酒造や月山酒造の名酒を楽しめます。山形には50種類もの日本酒がありますが、ここならば色んな地酒に出会えるのが嬉しいです。お風呂上がりにも1口酒をいただけたりして、お酒の愛好家にはたまりません。また露天風呂や貸切風呂等多彩な浴槽もあり、温泉三昧ができます。山形の温泉と銘酒巡りに最適な旅館です。

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2023/12/20)

Akayu 3005

  • All rooms come with 100% natural hot spring spring water!

  • The main building is a historic inn that was built 350 years ago. It is a restored building that was originally a village headman's residence from the Yonezawa Uesugi clan era, so you can experience a Japanese atmosphere that is sure to please foreigners as well. The innkeepers will suggest the perfect combination of alcohol, such as Yamagata sake or wine, to go with the ingredients procured that day, so it's perfect for those who like alcohol! All rooms have an open-air bath with 100% natural hot spring water, and there are large public baths for men and women. It is a little more than an 8-minute drive from JR Yamagata Shinkansen Akayu Station, but if you take a taxi it should not be a problem.

    tomato's answer (Posted on:2023/12/25)

1373-1 Kitaishidoucho, Minaminagano, Nagano City

  • The natural hot spring water is of good quality and is easily accessible.

  • This hotel is just a short walk from Nagano Station, and there is a convenience store nearby, so it is easy to buy snacks. There is a specialty sake store in the shopping district, so you can compare authentic Japanese sake. Miso is also sold and the detailed explanation makes it easy to choose. The rooms are simple business hotels, so the price is reasonable, and you can soak in the hot spring bath.

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/22)

Yutagawa Otsu 52

  • A hot spring inn in Yamagata where you can drink delicious sake

  • This is the inner sanctum of Tsuruoka, where you can enjoy dishes made with a variety of local vegetables and carefully selected sake to your heart's content. Yudagawa Onsen is characterized by its extremely soft texture, and has excellent skin-beautifying and heat-retaining properties.

    有馬温泉's answer (Posted on:2023/12/25)

Hayama 5-50

  • A luxurious hot spring inn where you can enjoy delicious sake and kaiseki cuisine

  • 露天風呂からは蔵王連峰を一望できます。お料理は地産地消の山形県産の素材に優しい味付けで、地酒によく合います。ラインナップは日本酒のみならず、ワインをはじめ世界の銘酒が用意されています。貸切露天風呂や貸切サウナもあります。さらにはまるで大人の隠れ家のような蔵書やジュースサーバーのある湯上りサロンもあるので、友達と湯上がりに寛げますよ。

    おやき's answer (Posted on:2023/12/21)

2436 Onogawamachi, Yonezawa

  • This is a quaint, long-established Ryokan (Japanese inn) that has been in business for 100 years.

  • 温泉は効能豊かで美肌効果のあるカルシウム塩化物泉で風情ある大浴場や露天風呂で楽しく湯あみできます。米沢厳選酒造の地酒3種飲み比べ付きの2食付きプランがあり黒毛和牛や米沢豚すきしゃぶが美味しく頂けます。

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2024/7/ 4)

1272 Zao Onsen

  • A hot spring hotel where you can enjoy local sake and wine!

  • At Zao Shiki Hotel, one bottle of sake or wine is served per person with dinner! You can drink it in your room or take it home, but I recommend having it with Yamagata beef at dinner. The rooms can accommodate up to four people, so it is also recommended for group trips. All rooms have tatami mats and beds, making it a stylish Japanese modern hotel recommended for foreigners. The hot spring has a large bath with a glass wall that overlooks the view, and an open-air bath in independent guest cottages, where you can bathe in milky white hot spring. I'm sure foreigners will be delighted with the milky white hot spring!

    温泉好きさん's answer (Posted on:2024/1/29)

933 Zao Onsen

  • 温泉入って、芋煮料理を肴に、地酒はいかがでしょう?

  • アメリカの方ということで、和と洋、両方が楽しめると喜ばれると思います。以前ここに泊まった時は、前日に連絡いただき、キャンセル出たのでワンランク上の畳ベッドの部屋に同じ値段で泊まることができました。温泉も内湯、露天風呂ともりっぱで、いいお湯でした。夕食は、山形名物の芋煮を肴に、地酒(男山?違うかもしれませんが、そんなような名前のうまい酒)を堪能しました。芋が苦手な私でも、おいしくいただけました。いったのは夏だったので冷でしたが、冬なら熱燗もおいしいかも。

    鶴太郎's answer (Posted on:2023/12/22)

2-6-30 Kogandori,Suwa-city

  • Touring sake breweries along the Koshu Kaido

  • 甲州街道沿いの酒蔵巡り「五蔵めぐり」をされたらいかがですか?上諏訪駅から近くアクセスいいですよ。年中開催している「ごくらく酒蔵めぐり」チケットがお得です。お泊まりになるのは「上諏訪温泉 しんゆ」をお勧めします。信州の地酒を多く取り揃えてありますよ。温泉は総タイル張りの浴場や畳風呂もあって楽しめます。

    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/12/16)


  • There is an all-you-can-drink plan that includes sake.

  • If you're going to Zao Onsen, I recommend going there as there is a bus from JR Yamagata Station. The all-you-can-drink plan includes unlimited sake, wine, and craft beer! You can drink whatever you like with your Yamagata beef. Zenshichinoyu Hotel has Japanese-style rooms that can accommodate up to 5 people, so you can stay with friends. The hot springs are 100% 100% natural hot spring. There is a garden bath with a view of the garden, and the 7 private baths, including an open-air bath, give you a great sense of freedom! Some of your foreign friends may not like large public baths, so I think they will like the private baths.

    まりるり's answer (Posted on:2024/1/29)
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