• 日本酒|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!
  • 日本酒|口コミで人気のホテル・旅館!

「日本酒」でおすすめなホテル・旅館の人気ランキング! 人気の露天風呂付き客室やお土産コーナーなどの施設情報、インスタ映えに最適な場所など「日本酒」に関するホテル・旅館の予約は47Tripで。

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3-2-14 Kogan-dori, Suwa-shi

  • 諏訪湖で日本酒を嗜む

  • I recommend Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture. There are many sake breweries around Lake Suwa. You can also enjoy Kami-Suwa Onsen and Shinshu's local cuisine. At this inn, you can compare the taste of Suwa's famous sake. Coupons are also available for those who want to visit the sake breweries, so please inquire at reception desk.

    どんどん1555's answer (Posted on:2019/2/23)

678 Iwamuro Onsen, Nishikan-ku

  • 日本酒と料理をお部屋で楽しむ

  • 「高島屋」ではお部屋食のプランにして、日本酒と料理を一緒に楽しめました。お酒は飲み比べとなっていてほどよい感じで満喫できます。お部屋はレトロでモダンな雰囲気があり、新しい設備やインテリアに落ち着きを感じて休まります。温泉は大浴場も立派な造りをしていて、露天風呂も風情がありました。

    ヤギヌマ's answer (Posted on:2020/12/17)

288-2 Aikawakabuse, Sado-shi

49-1 Yumoto, Matsunoyama, Tokamachi-shi

  • 日本酒の飲み比べなど、地酒を楽しめる宿

  • 新潟は酒どころなので、地酒を用意している宿は多いのですが、特にここは種類が多いのでおすすめです。日本酒「越の初梅」などお酒が多種にあり楽しめますよ。お料理は地元食材を生かした美味しい郷土料理がいただけました。お酒が進む内容でしたよ。露天風呂は庭園をながめなら、のんびり入れますし、客室も自然の大パノラマが楽しめ、とても素敵な宿でした。

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2015/12/23)

1043 Yahiko, Yahiko-mura, Nishikanbara-gun

  • A hotel serving local sake and traditional cuisine, perfect for family trips

  • This inn is located just 30 seconds walk from Yahiko Station on the JR Yahiko Line. It's not flashy, but it's a small Japanese-style hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) that takes pride in its cuisine. They have a wide selection of local sake from Niigata, a sake-producing region. You're guaranteed to drink until you're full of seasonal fish and produce caught in the Sea of Japan. The next morning, you'll be ready to go for a stroll around Yahiko Shrine with delicious koshihikari rice and a hearty breakfast. You might even get change from 20,000 yen.

    ユーザー's answer (Posted on:2014/6/ 3)

Hirotani Otsu 2091-1

  • You can eat home-grown newly-grown Koshihikari rice

  • "Buna no Yado Koase" is a single inn surrounded by beech forests, with all six guest rooms being Japanese-style rooms, and the large open windows allow you to enjoy the green scenery. The inn has a large public bath and an open-air herb bath, the latter of which is available for private use, allowing you to relax in a private space. Dinner was kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with local ingredients, including home-grown Koshihikari rice, 100% handmade soba noodles, wild vegetables and mushrooms. You can also try homemade doburoku sake, and we also did a tasting of Niigata's local sake. It's about a 15-minute drive from Tsugawa Station, and there is a free parking lot for 60 cars, so it's fine to go by car.

    RRgypsies's answer (Posted on:2020/10/14)

1373-1 Kitaishidoucho, Minaminagano, Nagano City

  • The natural hot spring water is of good quality and is easily accessible.

  • 長野駅から徒歩すぐのこちらのホテルでは、コンビニも近くおつまみも買い求めしやすいです。お酒の専門店が商店街内にありますので、本格的な日本酒の飲み比べができるかと思います。味噌も一緒に売られていて丁寧な説明で選びやすいです。客室もシンプルなビジネスホテルでお値段も抑えやすいですしお風呂も温泉に浸かることができます。

    はがせとうち's answer (Posted on:2023/11/22)

158-2 Koguriyama Kitaoki, Minamiuonuma-shi

  • A hideaway-like inn

  • We had a rice pot meal made with the new year's "Koshihikari" rice from the local Uonuma region. We were also served cold sake and dishes made with freshly harvested seasonal vegetables from local farms. We had a private room for both breakfast and dinner. Ryokan (Japanese inn) is a little old, but it has a spacious, open-air bath for private use, which gave us an extraordinary experience. In autumn, the autumn leaves are also very beautiful. The parking lot is located in the basement of the Ryokan (Japanese inn) building, which was very convenient.

    hahata's answer (Posted on:2020/10/18)

7-1574 Nishiboridori, Chuo-ku

91-1 Iwamuro Onsen, Nishikan-ku

1-1 Sasaguchi, Chuo-ku

548-1 Aikawa Oura, Sado-city

453 Tsukioka Onsen

278-2 Tsukioka Onsen

2-6-30 Kogandori,Suwa-city

  • Touring sake breweries along the Koshu Kaido

  • How about touring the sake breweries along the Koshu Kaido road, known as the "Five Breweries Tour"? It's easy to get to from Kami-Suwa Station. The "Gokuraku Brewery Tour" ticket, which is held all year round, is a good deal. For a place to stay, I recommend Kami-Suwa Onsen Shinyu. They have a wide selection of local Shinshu sake. You can also enjoy the hot springs, which have fully tiled baths and tatami baths.

    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/12/16)

4632-8 Murasugi Agano

  • The largest garden open-air bath in Niigata Prefecture

  • 「風雅の宿 長生館」は、新潟県の杉村温泉にある宿です。日本屈指のラジウム温泉を、新潟県最大級の庭園大露天風呂で堪能しました。日常を忘れ、ゆったり流れる時間のなかでしばし癒やしの時間を過ごせました。また、地元食材を活かした美味い料理に、ラジウム源泉仕込みの地酒や日本酒など品揃え豊富で色々飲めました。新潟駅から無料の送迎バスがあるので移動が楽です。東京からもアクセスしやすくて、上越新幹線で約2時間で新潟駅につきました。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2005/3/22)


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