• Yukata | Popular hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 32 recommended choices for 2024
  • Yukata | Popular hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) based on reviews! 32 recommended choices for 2024

A ranking of 32 popular hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) recommended for "Yukata"! 47Trip is the place to book hotels and Ryokan (Japanese inn) related to "Yukata", including information on facilities such as rooms with popular open-air baths and souvenir corners, and the best places for instagrammable.

Ranking of recommended hotels for "Yukata"
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136 Fujihara, Nikkou-shi

  • 浴衣を着てゆっくりくつろげる露天風呂付客室のある宿です

  • This inn in Kinugawa Onsen has great views of the clear waters of the Kinugawa River, with all rooms overlooking the river. All rooms here have an open-air bath, allowing you to relax at your leisure. You can also enjoy the bubbling, weakly alkaline simple spring water in the open-air bath and indoor bath along the Kinugawa River, outside of your guest room. There is also an aromatherapy lymph treatment room, which is perfect for women, and various types of beauty treatments are available. As for food, you can enjoy kaiseki(a traditional Japanese multiple course meal )made with ingredients selected from all over the country. The specially ordered Nikko Yuba Sashimi is particularly delicious.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2021/11/20)

Fukiage 1-11-31

813 Kinugawaonsen Taki, Nikko-city

  • 鬼怒川温泉で可愛い浴衣が有る宿です

  • こちらは可愛い浴衣が数種類あり館内の新旧情景がインスタ映えしますよ。また温泉を鬼怒川温泉の中で最も高い場所に有る「空中庭園露天風呂」から入りながら見る景色は絶景です。そして食事ですが、四季折々の地元食材を活かした和洋折衷の料理を和風ダイニング「和彩工房」で和食膳の形で食べられますよ。是非お勧めします。

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/8/20)

134 Noboribetsuonsencho, Noboribetsushi

  • An inn in Noboribetsu Onsen instagrammable

  • This is Ryokan (Japanese inn) that evokes the good old days and is instagrammable. You can also enjoy the sulfur hot 100% natural hot spring water, which is rare in Noboribetsu Onsen, in the indoor and outdoor baths. As for the food, they are particular about the ingredients and change the menu every season so that you can enjoy the taste of each season, so you can eat delicious food at any time.

    うまき's answer (Posted on:2020/8/17)

55 Noboribetsu-onsen, Noboribetsu

  • Numerous baths that you will never get bored of

  • I recommend "Noboribetsu Onsen Daiichi Takimotokan". The bath is quite spacious and there are about 35 different types of baths, so you will never get bored. You will lose track of time. You can also choose to have meals in your room, so you can take instagrammable of your crab meal.

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2020/12/ 6)

359-2, Kinugawaonsentaki

  • オシャレな浴衣で湯巡りも

  • リーズナブルな料金で誰もが満足のいく温泉宿、大江戸温泉物語が運営するホテルです。こちらでしたら、さまざまなオシャレな柄、かわいらしい色使いで楽しめる色浴衣のレンタルサービスがありますよ。また、川を挟んだ対岸にある姉妹館のホテル鬼怒川御苑との湯巡りも楽しめます。素敵な浴衣を身にまとい、湯巡りとともに温泉街を散策してみてはいかがでしょう。

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/3/ 3)

Noboribetsu Onsen 31

  • A hotel where you can immerse yourself in a retro atmosphere

  • "Takinoya Annex Tamanoyu" is a Noboribetsu Onsen inn with a retro atmosphere that makes you feel like you've returned to your hometown in the countryside, with Japanese hearth in the lobby. With the feel of an old-fashioned Ryokan (Japanese inn), it's sure to look great instagrammable. The homey atmosphere of the inn is filled with retro accessories and Hokkaido-style furnishings, making it a great photo spot.

    ほっこり法師's answer (Posted on:2020/8/ 6)

Kinugawaonsen Ohara 1438-1

  • Choose your favorite room from 11 types of rooms with open-air baths and spend your time in style!

  • The inn has a total of 17 rooms, of which 11 types of rooms with (semi) open-air baths can be chosen to suit your taste. You can enjoy elegant views of the valley and mountain stream below. The rooms and the private open-air baths are not hot springs. There are very few open-air baths attached to rooms in Kinugawa that have hot springs. However, you can bathe 24 hours a day. The large communal bath and open-air bath at the inn are of course hot springs. They are open until midnight, and from 5am in the morning. There is also a private open-air bath and private bedrock bath, for which there is a fee. The inn is particular about the freshness and taste of its meals, and while mountain produce such as Tochigi pork and Tochigi beef are from Tochigi, seafood is shipped directly from Boso, Chiba, and Numazu.

    Shinryuken's answer (Posted on:2023/1/10)

482-6 Kinugawaonsen-Taki

  • A relaxing hotel overlooking the Kinugawa River

  • そばを鬼怒川が流れるとても景観の良いホテルです。また可愛い色浴衣を貸出しており、いい思い出になること間違いなしです!和室ですがベッドの部屋もあるので外国の方でも泊まりやすいと思います。お部屋も日本らしさを感じられる雰囲気でおすすめです!

    Behind The Line's answer (Posted on:2019/12/ 3)

10. Nanaeyae

Kinugawaonsen Oohara 1060

  • An inn with rooms featuring open-air baths where you can enjoy the flavors of Tochigi

  • This hot spring Ryokan (Japanese inn) is located along the Kinugawa Onsen mountain stream, and the lobby and open-air baths offer a magnificent view of the valley, making it a recommended place for a great view. There are rooms with private baths and open-air baths, so it is also recommended for groups. For meals, we recommend enjoying the flavors of Tochigi, such as Kirifuri Kogen beef Shabu Shabu(Japanese hotpot).

    わらびもち's answer (Posted on:2021/3/25)

1409 Ohara

  • Suite room with open-air bath

  • Kinugawa Park Hotels offers rooms with open-air baths as VIP rooms. Meals are served in the room. The hotel is located about a 5-minute walk from Kinugawa Onsen Station. The shared baths are tasteful and you can relax in the large open-air bath. Meals are served in the kaiseki style, and you can also eat Tochigi Wagyu beef.

    アラート's answer (Posted on:2021/6/12)

19 Fujihara Kinugawaonsen

  • 色浴衣レンタル有り。紅葉の季節はインスタ映えポイント多し

  • 秋の紅葉の季節はお部屋からの景色が絶景でインスタ映え間違いありません。色浴衣のレンタルもあり、オシャレな女性も大満足の宿です。渓流露天風呂からの展望もよく、季節を感じながらゆっくりと鬼怒川温泉の温泉を満喫出来ます。

    たすく's answer (Posted on:2020/10/ 6)

1060 Ohara Kinugawaonsen

  • We recommend the girls' trip plan that comes with special benefits.

  • 女子旅プランがあるこちらのお宿がおすすめです。女性に嬉しい特典があるお得なプランです。得点には山楽オリジナル入浴剤セットのプレゼントや選べる色浴衣とぞうりなどがありますよ。日本らしい和のおもてなしが体験できます。ここならご希望うの叶うと思います。

    どんどん's answer (Posted on:2019/7/28)

427 Kinosakicho Yushima, Toyooka, Hyogo

15. Mitsuwa

220 Kinosakichoyushima, Toyooka-shi

  • How about Kinosaki Onsen?

  • 城崎温泉駅から徒歩2分という好立地に佇むこじんまりとしたお宿です。湯めぐりするのにも観光するのにもとても便利な場所です。城崎の宿は、ほとんどの宿が女性に色浴衣と湯めぐり券を出してくれます。浴衣に着替えて下駄をはいて外湯めぐりへ行きましょぅ。もちろん宿にも温泉はあり、その時は貸切にしてもらえる時間帯でした。お料理は絶品但馬牛のしゃぶしゃぶをお部屋でいただきました。女将さんも丁寧な方で、とても快適な旅を満喫できました。

    ぽよよん's answer (Posted on:2016/9/29)

495 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka-shi

  • How about touring soto-yu (public bathhouses) at Kinosaki Onsen?

  • 城崎温泉の「喜楽」さんはいかがでしょうか。色浴衣で外湯巡りができる人気の旅館です。おいしいお料理やお酒を、部屋か個室でゆっくりいただけるので、お友達と気兼ねなく過ごせます。陶芸や絵付け体験などもできて、思い出に残る旅行になると思います。

    たこべー's answer (Posted on:2017/3/31)

3-26, Fukiage

1177, Oshima

  • 8 minutes walk from JR Kinosaki Onsen Station (free shared bus from the station)

  • JR城崎温泉駅より徒歩8分です(駅前から無料の乗り合いバス)。外湯めぐりに便利な温泉街の真ん中に位置し、外湯は何回でも利用できます。♪男女やお子さんにも色浴衣のレンタルが無料でついています。(予約前にご確認ください)夕食では城崎の味覚をたのしめます。

    はなママ's answer (Posted on:2014/7/ 2)

2-3-2, Noboribetsu Higashicho, Noboribetsu-shi, Hokkaido, Japan

  • This may be the most talked about spot in Noboribetsu right now.

  • This stylish cafe and guesthouse is located right next to JR Noboribetsu Station, the gateway to Noboribetsu Onsen. You can use the cafe on the first floor even if you are not staying at the hotel. I recommend the delicious additive-free soft serve ice cream made from 100% Noboribetsu milk. Almost all hotels offer day-trip bathing in the hot springs, so you can enjoy them while staying at this guesthouse. They will also give you lots of local information on Noboribetsu's fun spots, interesting places, and places that are perfect for instagrammable.

    赤鬼青鬼's answer (Posted on:2020/2/22)

Ginza-cho 1-16

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